Around the World Fish Room Tour Fishroom update Fancy Guppy Fish Aquarium Fish Room VLOG

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Around the World Fishroom tour Fishroom update Fancy Guppy Fish! In the extra long tour of the fishroom, I talk about the new rack I am planning Breeding project updates, the fish room drain system and I even cleaned up!
Check out my Amazon Store! Here you can buy most of the items I use in the fish room!
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Oh my goodness Michael! You made Matthew's day, thank you so much:)


The fish room is looking good Michael.
I gotta clean mine up too, while your floor has appeared again, mine is slowly disappearing, ha ha! Thanks for the tour!


Looking awesome Michael!! Great tour.. I heard my name I heard my name!!!and more than once😁that’s so awesome.... thanks for sharing that!!i really appreciate the shoutout Michael 😁


Busy hey times Michael, well done and I love ur fishroom mate.


great update Love your fishroom and fish wish i could order from you


Mike now you have to figure out how much water you use for the fish that does not get put in to the sewer to get the billing changed.
After that you can make a gray water system, where you use the the fish tank water to flush your toilets.
More water savings. Pull that 55 out and replace with any kind of garbage can or storage bin.


Hi Michael. I read Angelo's comment below. I think he might be excited (hard to tell with the funny accent. lol). We will have to do some videos about the whole thing. Looking forward to the shipment. Thanks for the shout out. Ps. Holy crap you have a


Wish I had a fish room like this or even the space for one!! Someday!!!


Had a great auction this weekend in Calgary, Angels were going 30$ for 5 loonies size and 55$ for breeding pairs. I found some goodies myself.


Love the super long videos!

What I hate is liking the video when it's already at 100 likes haha

Wish I was in the US I'd have the swordtails. It feels like there's no hobbyists selling over here atm :(


Holy drilled tank batman! That's alot going on in your fish room!!!


Mike do not say any thing to them about a gray water system. They just charge you a sewer fee for each gal. that comes in to your house throught the meter. So we tell them use so many gallon to water garden each day, and when all set you do not get charged the sewer charge for those gallons during the growing season. You use is year round, so very important not to be charged for those discharge gallons. Gray water would reuse this water which is not bad water it can be filtered.


About your planted for profit tank, I have a very heavily planted 20-long that I almost never do water changes on. Nitrates have never gone above ten, and the overall chemistry is very stable.The wisteria and pothos in your tank are basically nitrate vacuums. BTW, the video should have come with a trigger warning: the sight of a clean floor almost had me running for my safe space. 😂


They charge you by the amount of water you consume and calculate waste water fee. Pumping outside your home will fertilize your lawn or garden.


Hello Michael. Nice vid. Good tour of your fish room. About your lyretail swords. I did talk toan ichthiologist and he said that there are 2 reasons why the males with long gonopodiums dont/cant fertilize the females. One is by the time the males reach sexual maturity, the gonopodiums cant extend forward and are to delicate to handle the physical force of mating. And the other is with some recessive genetic traits that are bred to become a dominant one and are present in both sexes as a dominant gene make it so the embryos cant survive because in cases like this genetically are not viable. But a male that is not showing this recessive trait can fertilize a female whether or not she does show it. There is always a mixture of fish showing dominant lyretail and recessive lyretail traits in each batch. Dominant with the elongated gonopodium, recessive with a normal looking gonopodium. Hope this helps and you can pass this on to your other viewers if you wish. Love the bloopers. Very funny.


I have a aqurium with a Betta and endlers livebearers and I save a fry from being the Bettas lunch


About your whole sewer bill dilemma. If it's true that they are billing you for sewage based on usage chances are it would be going off your water meter. I don't think there is a municipality with water meters and sewer meters. So if you want to water your yard with the water go right ahead but if you don't I would just put it down the drain.

Keep up the good work.


my Angelfish just laid eggs but they ate them😬


Hey Michael would you ship guppies to Canada ?


Wait, I'm confused... you have a floor in your fishroom??? :P
