The 5 MOST Played Jobs In FFXIV

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Video talking about what I think is the 5 most popular and often played jobs in final fantasy 14 online

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Intro
00:03 - White Mage
01:18 - Warrior
02:31 - Sage
03:33 - Summoner
04:44 - Dancer
05:35 - Outro
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Do you agree with this list? What makes a job more desirable than other job?


Those are the easiest jobs, not the most played ones. If 2 of the 5 most played jobs were healers and one a tank the queue for stuff wouldnt be asking for healer and tank all the time.


Dancer is also just the best when traveling in the game..


Samurai and reaper not being here invalidates this list. I haven’t gone a day (67 days and counting) doing daily roulette not running into one of those jobs as a tank


I am sort of noob so I can't really talk on the level you can but I have been maining a machinist and have hit level 90. I think it's a pretty easy job to be honest, very simple rotation, make sure you buff your drill, anchor or chainsaw and the blast window is pretty relaxed actually. I know people saw ping ping ping, but I don't see it. I think the job gives you more than enough time to execute it near perfectly and easily as well. It's pretty fun too!


lol, most of the jobs you mentioned in this vid are my most played classes 😅


Only tried summoner from this list and thought it was ok. (Normally I main PLD). Today I decided to try DRG and I am having the most fun yet.


War and Dancer are controller friendly compared to other jobs. They really need to tone down the button bloat on some other jobs. Sage is easier to manage than Scholar for sure and I used to be a Sch main since ARR. Also Sch fairy has some lag to it still while as soon as you press an ogcd on Sage it goes out smoothly.


Sage is a really well designed job, takes a lot of the button bloat out of healing, you don't have to cast as much as scholar, can fit into almost any group composition, the abundance of ogcds makes it feel tactical and mobile and instantaneous, without having to stand in the same spot spamming the same spell as much. Not surprised why its played more than the other healers, it's more fun to play unless you can find fun in the challenge or clunkiness in other healer jobs. Hopefully it stays like this in future expansions.


ah man warrior. i used to love warrior so much just cause of the Aesthetic of the job. But got bored as hell cause my rotation is just making sure i can fell cleave as much as possible. been much happier on dark knight. My main dps is Dancer. Also main healer is sage.


I like the white mage but it's annoying when the tank runs off at once and around an edge with 20+ mobs and I have to run after him and by the time the spell is through the tank is already dead it happened to me 2 times today in the lvl 44 dungeon with the dragons


I never play summoner, because I leveled summoner through scholar. Every time I switch to summoner, I feel like I set my skill bar wrong. Most of my hotbar is empty and I play with controller on PC which makes it 1.1x worse.


The irony of this is that the easiest jobs are the most played and the hardest jobs are the least played and yet whenever they simplify jobs, people won't shut up about it being a detriment to the game despite the actual statistics show the exact opposite. So Im starting to think those people are nothing but a vocal minority when the actual stats say people much prefer easy jobs.


My White Mage is 85 and all of the other healers are 90 I also have many level 90 DPS and a couple Tanks now I’ve come across many other Sage healers and sad to say from my experience with the ones I’ve come across only 1 out 10 of them are any good at playing Sage it seems and I know that they’re not new to being a healer because we’re doing level 80 to 90 dungeon runs or Raids at first my buddies thought I was being too harsh in my opinions until they too started playing with random Sages as well as other healers in general then they started to see what I’ve been talking about because they started to compare other healer players to how I play a healer. It got to the point where they hated playing with other healers so now every time we play together I’m stuck playing Healer because that’s the only way they’ll feel confident that they’ll have a good healer on the team but that’s just the experience we’ve had in our time playing the game we’ve even joked about how i should open a school for teaching healing in game lol.


As controller player i love ninja, cause he have not as much buttons as other dds


I have all healers to max, and if you're running out of mana on whm, you're doing differently different 😅


Coming at this video a couple months late - but yes, the list is pretty accurate. Warrior is easy and fun. Dancer is easy and fun. Summoner is easy and fun. Those are all jobs I tend to revert to when I don't want to have to think too hard (and I got roped into tanking Savage on WAR this tier. Its a great off tank.) And then.... I play SCH as my main healer. They kept the core rotation identical to how it was in 5.0 so I chose not to jump on the Sage bandwagon and be a SCH again instead. While its true that the floor is higher than sage, I prefer the flexibility I get in not having to keep a monster targeted while doing my AOE rotation, so I can focus on the tank. It's a tiny mental thing in dungeons and doesn't matter in solo target content, but it was enough to make me choose the "harder" of the two jobs, in the end.


I enjoyed this video, and gave a thumbs up. 👍


I prefer the Paladin over the warrior in doungens for a simple reason.
If the healer dies (what happened very often in 6.0 in the lvl 90 Doungens) then I can Heal still the other DDs so that at least two people are alive and can kill the boss.
In the same scenario, as a warrior I could only hold myself alive and therefore it would only be one player against the boss left, which means the kill would take longer.


What class that is the most lookout for, especially on PF setting?
