4M65: Be a CPF Multi-Millionaire by 65 | SeedlyTV S2E08

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When it comes to CPF, there are often two camps - one for it and the other against it. Yet whether we like it or not, CPF is here to stay. What if there is a way to manage your CPF that would allow you to accumulate as much as $4 million by 65 years old? Sounds too good to be true?

If you’ve heard of the 1M65 movement, this 4M65 movement is an improved version of how you could achieve more if you startearlier.

Some questions we’ll answer:
- How can I use 1M65 or 4M65 to accumulate a retirement safety net using CPF?
- How could investing in CPF be a safer option for retiring comfortably?
- Would this method be better than trying to win the stock market?

- Clara Ng (Community Manager, Seedly)

- Loo Cheng Chuan (Founder, 1M65 Movement)
- Kenneth Fong (Editor, Seedly)

Head over to the SeedlyTV S2E08 Page to ask your questions and our guests will answer them LIVE!

Tune in LIVE at 8pm, 10 June!

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Agree with Mr Loo. His tricks on the 4m65 CPF is absolutely insightful


Agree with this strategy. They key is to really max out Medisave and Special Account by doing voluntary top up and transfers as early as you can.


how to embark on this 1M65 when I am already 45 years old? how to salvage from the loss of time?


how do you get compound return from S&P index fund? does it pay dividend?


Thanks for the video!
Giveaway answer: My strategy is to save as much money as I can and invest it on ETF and index funds and REITS. Making use of high interest rate earned from CPF too!


Thank you for the stream!
Giveaway ans: I start my strategy by having a BTO for my housing instead of a private property and try to hit the FRS as soon as I can. // Currently, I am using my CPF as a tool for retirement. Investing with OA on some bonds. :)
