Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets: Revelation 11 (2017) DVD Trailer

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"Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets: Revelation 11" Interviewees: James F. Stoddard III, L. Hannah Stoddard, Rod Meldrum, Kay Godfrey

What if the Revelation 11 prophecy closely correlated with events in the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum? What if the implications of John’s vision in Revelation 11 impacted the latter-day gathering and final struggle for freedom? What if a correct interpretation reveals insight into the blueprint for building Zion? What if this misunderstood prophecy has already been at least partially fulfilled?

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D&C77:15 states “15 Q. What is to be understood by the two witnesses, in the eleventh chapter of Revelation?A. They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers.“ The church has minimal information on this topic. But from what is there, the case is not particularly strong for Joseph and Hyrum being the two mentioned in revelations 11. I don’t expect any should know who they are. But from what the church has put out there it is clear it takes place in Jerusalem. I hold the utmost respect for Joseph the Prophet and his brother Hyrum. However, I assert with conviction it is not them.


They are NOT, I believe Joseph Smith is a Prophet, but it pertains to Jerusalem. He and Hyrum did not come back to life 72 hours after they were martyred. You are losing credibility with this video big time.


Will you be putting these on iTunes for purchase?


I can't wait to see this. I've seen your videos before. and there all amazing.


I watched the DVD last night and I must say thank you for your insight. The Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum, truly fill the role of the two great servants given power to prophesy. Again thank you for this work. When will part two be coming out?


Even though Revelations seems to imply that the 2 witnesses/prophets will come immediately preceding the 2nd Coming of the Lord, if they don't actually, it wouldn't be the first instance of the chronology being jumbled in that book of scripture. And, in fact, the 'type' for two witnesses in the Book of Mormon _are_ brother prophets (Nephi and Lehi, sons of Helaman).

That said, they also lived much later in the BoM timeline, in fact, years after the father-son church leaders with the same name (Joseph F and Joseph Fielding). Also, this Nephi sealed the heavens, causing a desolating drought, like the two latter-day prophets are prophesied to do. I don't recall Joseph doing that.

Deep, deep love and respect for the Prophet Joseph but not buying into him and his brother fulfilling that particular prophecy.


No, one of the requirements of being a prophet is that He is an Israelite... because Yahweh made a promise to Abraham and his descendants. Look at all the prophets in the old testament, they are all Jewish.
