Understanding Energy Management System EnMS ISO 50001 2011

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
10:00AM CEST time

This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the ISO 50001 standard. You will learn how using, developing and managing policies and procedures can improve energy efficiency, achieve targets, and reduce costs. You will also gain the confidence to build awareness of energy efficiency across your organization, which is the vital starting point for anyone planning to develop an energy management system.

Eng. Tawfik Soukieh is the managing director of GLOBAL Experience Consulting Company (GEC) from Kuwait, with more than 20 years of international experience in Energy sector. Throughout years, he has acquired invaluable international business experience, which he utilizes to assist companies with ISO standards with a rich portfolio of different quality management certifications such as: ISO 50001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13053, OHSAS 18001, ISO 17025, ISO 29001, etc. He is also a member of: Institute of Industrial Engineers (senior member, Atlanta (IIE- U.S.A)), Kuwait Society of Engineers (KSE-KUWAIT), Association of quality and practice (ASQ-USA).
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