NEW T3 Featherweight StyleMax Dryer and T3 SinglePass StyleMax Flat Iron

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Thank you so much for tuning into today’s video - NEW T3 Featherweight StyleMax Dryer and T3 SinglePass StyleMax Flat Iron! Thank you to T3 for working with me on this video!! I love how quickly, quietly and lightly the Featherweight StyleMax Dryer dries my hair. And the SinglePass StyleMax Flat Iron is the best out there for putting soft, natural waves in my hair - love it! I mentioned in the video that once you activate the "curl" function, the temperature automatically goes down. That's because if the heat is too high, it can weigh down your curls/waves and cause them to drop faster. That’s why we lower the heat! Such a smart device 🙂

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Nail Polish - OPI Gel in Put It In Neutral

My last name is spelled Wang, pronounced like Wong

Mailing address:
Michele Wang
10620 Southern Highlands Pkwy
Suite 110-20
Las Vegas, NV 89141

Facts about me, for reference:
Age: 49
Skin Type: Dry/Sensitive - eczema prone, but occasionally combo
Skin Tone: Neutral (warmer in the t-zone; cooler on the cheeks)

I feature products of my choosing. I am not a makeup artist, merely a makeup and beauty enthusiast. The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by companies which I will always disclose. Some of the links in this description box are affiliated. My opinions reflected in these videos are 100% my own.
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I have been T3 Featherweight Blow Dryer fan since they first came out many many years ago. The ceramic/ion technology really makes a difference on my hair. I also have the Dyson, which I like for only one dries the fastest (I have thick wavy hair). The Dyson does not give me the smooth/shine I get with the T3. T3 makes great products. I have their curling irons too. I have a GHD flat/curl iron (it came out a couple of years ago) similar to the new T3 Single Pass Style Max and these soft wave products are amazing.


I bought the T3 about a year ago because this 67 year old needed something lighter. I love it but now wish I had this model. Love your channel!


Thank you for this video. I usually air dry my curly hair and have had excellent luck with Con Air over the years. However, I like to hear about other products. And this video actually told me what makes this dryer so special. I feel like too often we hear that people love an expensive product without realky hearing why. So thank you again for showing what's so great. And if I ever go back to daily use of a blow dryer, I will consider T3. Have a great week!


Thanks for this! I have been thinking about getting the Dyson flat iron but this T3 is a better fit for me. The Dyson would have been overkill for my needs. Your hairstyle is exactly what I want mine to look like!


I got this flat iron last year at Costco and I love it! I already had a t3 dryer that I love so I didn’t get the dryer last year.


Hola Michele!! Thank you so much for the recommendation!! I love the neutral color of your nails!! 😉👌Best greetings from Austria🇦🇹🇲🇽😊


Man I would have loved this dryer when I had long hair. My hair is short and stacked in back so just a quick shower and towel dry, I'm ready go. I can't foresee ever going back to long hair but I will say I miss a high pony!


I just bought the T3 Featherweight Style Max today! Can't wait to try it. I'm hoping it will cause less breakage & more volume! 😊 Planning to pick up the matching straight iron soon!


Lol well I want it to give me all the body baby! Putting this on my radar! Thanks Michele 😊


Great demo video, thank you very informative. I am growing out my hair again 🙃 so this might be a possibility


Hi Michele thank you for this video, I was looking for a new hair dryer.


I’ve never liked my Dyson and have been in the market for a new dryer. Will be picking this up today! Thanks Michele!


Thanks for the reco Michele! I've been wanting to check them out!


Black hair on black shirt…maybe next time a different color for the background because I can’t see the waves


My Amika blow dry brush burnt out after 1 year the other day and I feel I can’t live without one. But I have very long hair, grays starting to come in and I’m going to get a Bob cut soon just above the shoulders. Anyone know if the T3 blow dry brush is good, or a better option?


Why would you want 1 kink in your hair everytime you use the straightener? It looks like you had your hair up.


This is very random. But I’m trying to find the vlog where Michele got a new coffee maker.. does anyone remember the brand?


I have really long hair. Curios how this would work. I cannot even like rotate a and. I drop it. 😂😂😂😂😂all thumbs here
