Lagos International Smartphone Film Festival 2024 | Special Report

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Souq News TV covers the Lagos International Smartphone Film Festival 2024, a unique event held at the Silverbird Galleria in Victoria Island, Lagos. This festival celebrates smartphone cameras' magic and ability to create stunning films and content. Convened by Kayode Bakerr, the event brought together industry experts, actors, content creators, filmmakers, and enthusiasts to explore the limitless possibilities of smartphone filmmaking.

The panel session, featuring notable speakers like veteran filmmaker John Njamah, director Sola Thompson, content creator Edgar Eriaka, and film distributor Moses Agbachukwu, delved into the art of smartphone filmmaking and content creation. Attendees left inspired, realizing the power of their handheld devices to create impactful visual stories.

Join us as we explore the exciting insights and highlights from this maiden but groundbreaking initiative. Hear from the convener, Kayode Bakerr, as he shares his motivation for launching this festival and what it means for the future of mobile filmmaking.

#LagosSmartphoneFilmFestival2024 #SmartphoneFilmmaking #KayodeBakerr #MobileCreativity #ContentCreation #JohnNjamah #SolaThompson #EdgarEriaka #MosesAgbachukwu #FilmFestivalLagos #SouqNewsTV #MobileFilmFestival #DigitalContent #MobileFilmmaking #NigeriaFilmIndustry #TechInFilmmaking

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Great job, K. Boogie! Give it up for the OAP OF THE YEAR 2024!
