'We Have A Non-Human Alter In Our System' : Meet The DID Fakers Of TikTok

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Faking mental illness for woke points and attention isn't ok. TikTok is heavy on dissociative identity disorder, ticks / Tourette's and other issues.

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I was married to a REAL DID person for 14 years - 42 alters, former incest victim - there was NOTHING "cool" about that condition for her, it wasn't "fashionable" way back then and it destroyed her life, literally - she died in 2009 after her 10th suicide attempt. I tried to take care of her for all of those years and I loved her very much, because she was essentially a quite wonderful person, I still miss her every day. It's DISGUSTING to see these "woke" nitwits ACT the DID part in order to show off to their "woke" scene.


I love how everyone is finally covering this now and bringing to light how disgusting it is to fake a mental illness for attention


I used to have an online friend that I met in 2009 with DID (back when it was called MPD). We met on an art forum and used to video call all the time.
She was a victim of persistent child molestation and very intense physical abuse from a narcissistic parent, and her mental state continued to get worse over the years until she took her life in 2014. I had to find out from her extended family on Facebook. Her spiral was traumatic to witness, and I can’t image how hard each day was for her and how overwhelmed she must have felt towards the end. There is absolutely NOTHING cute or romantic about this disorder.

RIP Sammie 💙 I think of you all the time


As a 45 yr old woman who has spent the majority of my life disassociating to protect myself from severe childhood trauma i have been working my butt off in therapy for the last15 years trying to stop doing it. It has harmed me, and every single relationship I've had including what its been like for my 5 children to grow up around. This just really makes me so angry that these entitled kids are acting like this is something to be proud of! Mental illness is not something I'd ever choose nor would anyone else who truly has it. You cannot self diagnose this stuff and most of the time it takes years to finally get the correct diagnosis. This whole woke era we are in seems to be a bunch of spoiled kids who got way too many participation trophies. And I love ya, id totally hang out with you anytime!🥰


My partner has been a mental health nurse for 20 years. She had no idea this was happening as she spends her time supporting real people with real problems rather than pissing about on TikTok. This latest craze is as ethical as pretending you have cancer. Thanks for putting this together Arielle.


I am 56 and was diagnosed with MPD (now)DID 41 years ago! I have lived with It all my life we have 2 to 5 alters helping us every day! I have watched some DID videos and can spot the fakeness a mile off, it makes my eyes roll! They have absolutely no idea!


I had a former girlfriend a couple decades ago who had a dissociative disorder due to intense abuse as a child. It was a real handicap that she had to work to overcome in order to try to lead as normal a life as possible. She didn’t have multiple personalities or anything like that. In times of trauma (or when she was strongly reminded of her past traumas), she’d become catatonic/unresponsive and her conscious mind would “go” to a fantasy land. The idea that people would fake this disorder for popularity is frustrating.


I'm a 31year old german nurse. I am specialised in psychiatric care and worked with patients living with DID. I never came across these tiktokers/youtubers and i am shocked.
The lives of my DID patients are full of horror, the kind of horror the rest of us only comes across in novels and movies. I am talking about demonic cults, organized sex trafficking etc etc. It breaks my heart to see what woke culture looks like online.


I had a friend with DID. Trust me, if you have it, you just don't tell everyone you have it. He almost lost his BFF in a crisis. It can be very scary, because he just told me he just wasn't himself when it happened. It was hard for him, and always trying his very best to fight depression and his personalities.


The biggest tragedy of our time is that TikTok hasn’t been banned…


You cannot pay me to think these people aren't doing it for internet attention and oppression points.


"These kids are so privileged they literally have to create issues to become oppressed!!!" Thank you!!! Women in some countries that have NO rights...show an ankle and get lucky these kids are


As someone with depression and Tourettes, these people need to be put in their place. Like flat out told to stop.


Thank you! In my 25 years as a therapist, I can count on one hand how many actual DID pts I came across. There is absolutely nothing cool, glamorous or romantic about this disorder. It's actually quite heartbreaking to hear the WHY behind it and what happened to these women that was so horrendous, they were shattered. This has got to stop. Adolescent girls in particular, have always done these kinds of trying on of personalities (not in a DID context, just general personality) as they figure out who they are. But this is next level.


As someone who is going through the process to get a diagnoses with this disorder, I am exstreamily happy that people like you are educating people on DID.

DID is not a joke, it is struggle many people struggle with. It not only causes memory loss, horrid flashbacks and in some cases exhaustion, but it can also cause many horrible symptoms. Like intrusive thoughts.


As someone who has struggled with mental illness this is infuriating. I have bipolar disorder and it took me a decade to actually come out and be honest with people around me. Also, our mental health system is already depleted so I can imagine real cases are being ignored. I went to my local clinic and their system is so overwhelmed they could not see everyone. These are real people who need genuine help and I cannot believe that people are faking mental illness for attention. It is not funny people. Had they acted that way even 50 years ago they would have been thrown into a hospital for the rest of their lives. Mental illness does need to be a top priority but now hospitals are going to be hesitant because they think someone is faking it. How many people need help and are now shying away from getting help because they don’t think people will believe them? Our society is sick and regular people need to push back.


ah yes, the classic "let me go change clothes, re-style my hair, and touch up my makeup to show you how severe my mental condition is"


I’ve been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder—NOT DID, but comparable to the actual illness in some aspects, and I know a bit about it because of the field I’m in—and it’s nothing like these kids say it is. It’s not controllable and it’s certainly not cute or fun.


I'd say they are emotionally stunted : “Youth ends when egotism does; maturity begins when one lives for others.”― Hermann Hesse
