Dream About Butterflies - 💗✨THIS MESSAGE IS SUPPOSE TO FIND YOU!! 💗✨ 🌈💝 |COLLAB WITH @Auntyflo

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What does a butterfly mean in your dream?

Dreams about butterflies is generally about transformation. As you may have already guessed, this type of dream typically represents change is coming, in this video I describe that the dream of seeing many butterflies is about moving from one stage in life to another. A butterfly is generally associated with change, rebirth, and personal growth in most spiritual books - all aspects that are essential for self-discovery and achieving our goals.

On a deeper level, dreaming about butterflies can symbolize transcendence or freedom from bondage; it could represent leaving behind one’s worries and anxieties as one transitions into something new in their life. When a butterfly appears in your dreams, it could be an indication of great changes taking place within yourself; some say that these changes are connected to spiritual awakening or enlightenment.

The color of the butterfly also has an important role when interpreting its meaning - while white is usually associated with purity and innocence, black is often understood as a sign of hidden knowledge or insight that lies ahead. Brightly colored butterflies may suggest happiness and joy; however dark colors might mean problems lurking around the corner that will need to be dealt with soon enough.

Apart from psychological implications related to transformation, dreams featuring butterflies may also be telling you to pay more attention to nature and the environment around you - appreciate its beauty! It could even signify love at first sight if two people enter each other’s lives shortly after each having dreamt about a butterfly (that as you can imagine doesn't happen very often).

Regardless of what interpretation fits best for your particular situation though, just remember not to underestimate the power of symbolism present in dreaming – it’s capable much more than we give credit for! Keep this in mind if you ever experience similar dreams again down the road – there might be something meaningful behind them waiting for your discovery.
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I miss your shorts ! I absolutely love and go to your dream interpretation online before anything else.


Hi auntyflo! I've been referring to your website for dream meanings for a while now and I love them! I just had a dream about talking to a bird, specifically the javan mynah. The bird is a female and it did indeed transform into a very nice lady who talked to me. She told me she's currently dating 2 different person at the same time and she had a very tomboyish look to her.

I thought the fact of her transforming into a bird was really cool so I brought her to a stage to perform. Everyone was mesmerised by the fact that she could fly. However, the moment she transformed into a bird, everyone started booing saying that's just a common bird and they're no longer impressed.

I really do want to know what it means because the dream is still so vivid.


Thank you for this video. I haven't really been getting good sleep, just like you said. and I've noticed that I've been having a little anxiety lately. This is so spot on


So 2 nights ago I was laying in bed to fall asleep, eyes closed but definitely not asleep and I must've seen 10 or so butterflies, then the vision disappeared.


Today, I had a dream I've had vividly a few times. I was on a plane, going to set off, but we weren't on a runway, which felt normal (like "ugh we are on one of these planes again"). We were moving to get to the 'runway' on a small dirt path, hitting trees with the wings, and I felt apprehensive. Once we got the the 'runway' which was a wider more open paved road (no cars), we tried to set off, and in these dreams we can never stay in the air for long- there is never enough 'runway' to give us the momentum to stay up so we always touch back down in seconds. There are usually a few tries, but never any luck.
If you or anyone else can help me, I'd much appreciate it, I can't seem to find anything like my dream on any dream interpretation websites or books. Thank you! :)


I had a dream of 2 very large sharks that kind of resembled basking sharks, in crystal clear ocean water with white rippled sand ocean floors. They were connected at the mouth, where 1 of the sharks had swallowed a woman, and the other shark appeared to be trying to get the woman out of the other's mouth. After a few seconds of struggling with each other, the shark finally regurgitated the woman. The woman appeared to be covered in a clear, slimy like sac. She was in a fetal like position and was wearing a red 2 piece bathing suit. There was another scuba diver present in the water as this was taking place, and the diver approached the woman to check if she was okay. But right as the scuba diver reached the woman to help remove the sac or see if she was still alive, I woke up.


I had a dream that someone was chasing me, trying to kill me. They caught me and thought they killed me but i faked my death. I met a guy right after this amd we went ring shopping. And the rings were butterfly shaped. Huge amethyst shaped butterflies.i was so happy. Then i saw a lady walk by with an opal lightbulb and woke up.


Uh i have dreamed about stars, and a golden holy bible in a church
