If you wanna win clients on LinkedIn…follow the 4 C’s

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It’s the simplest way to understand how to win big on LinkedIn and it’s helped my clients and I generate MILLIONS of revenue here.

And all I’m doing is comparing LInkedIn to an IN PERSON event that you just showed up to (Leveraging the 4 Cs)

👉🏻 C #1: Content = Keynote speech

Think of your LinkedIn content as your keynote speeches. This is you on STAGE! They should be engaging and packed with valuable insights about your audience's needs. Share solutions to their problems and position yourself as an industry leader with actionable advice.

👉🏻 C #2: Comments = Round table discussions

Imagine the comments section as a roundtable discussion with potential clients after or before the keynote. Engage thoughtfully, ask probing questions, get curious, and provide mini consultations to showcase your expertise without coming off as promotional.

👉🏻 C #3: Connect/Message = 1:1 conversations

Treat connections like in-person networking opportunities. Personalize your outreach, deliver genuine value, and build relationships based on trust and mutual respect. This is how you would do it in real life right? So, why would it be any different here?

👉🏻 C #4: Compelling Profile = Your virtual business card/table

Your LinkedIn profile is where you convert. Be clear about what you do, who you do it for, and the transformations you get for your clients

Showcase PROOF

Have clear call to actions (Paths to conversions)

And give them a reason to take the next step!

❤️ABS Alex B Sheridan

#linkedinmarketing #linkedin #linkedinvideo #short
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