What People Misunderstand About Strength

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A common thought I have when I see someone lose their shit in public is, "What do they do when shit really goes wrong?" Like, if a loved one died or they lost their job. Do they just shut down?


He's not saying you shouldn't build muscles. His message is to work on your character/mindset.


Physical strength feeds the rest. In a healthy body, a healthy soul.


We need to get strong in all those areas mate.


❤ I'm a female....to me what it means to b a man is to protect the women the children the that's beyond knarly at this do this means that a man loves more than he cares about his own life... to love like that is love u real men. U An example is Dr Rasheed he's not dead, he's in witness protection for exposing the " PAYLOAD in the jab " alfa men, LOVE with ur heart n soal.... trust me....it's Everything to us ***


Physical strength = confidence (often), which can propel you in life. So no, you are overgeneralizing to say it's least important. Life is about balance


Strong mind strong body they are all linked


I‘m telling it all the time but people just don’t want to change. The well feel bubbling is always comfortable.


The "mental" and "emotional" strength is mostly personality temperament and can be viewed as frontal lobe executive function, and like most traits for a population varies across a bell curve, and it's not clear you can really develop them beyond your genetic baseline

Would you tell someone to work on their height or IQ?


Honestly if youre health is bad .
You cant havr great .

Mental strength

Nothing ...brother .


In my experience, you actually can talk to chicks the same way that you talk to dudes, and no one will think that it makes you a jerk.


Becoming physically strong can help you to grow emotionally but becoming emotionally stronger won't help you to become physically stronger


No such thing as angered too easily. People won't respect a fucking calm pushover. People need to know if they cross you you're bringing the heavy. Doesn't mean you need to be irrational though, a difference exists. I can be pissed and sharp as a razor.


Strong is not a synonym of smart or dangerous.

Smart is more complexed that just pure IQ as well.


Hard disagree. If someone cuts me off in traffic I respond with a fair and proportional response, horn and the finger. Actions have consequences. If they are used to doing it without repercussions, they need to learn. If it was a mistake, they also need to learn. You can’t drift through life not challenging any grievance against you. This is why we have a justice system that is not based on turning the other cheek.


Yeah, there is assumed sexual equality these days that I’m not sure will happen. I remember, in high school, with a different friend, coming across the story of a woman being raped with the boyfriend tied up and forced to watch. Now my friend I were livid. I mean livid. What we do that guy. The things we could imagine. Years later a coworker friend, he may have known someone, be he said, defeatedly. It’s kind of a bad sexual experience, and we’ve all had those. Now, when Clint Eastwood roles into town, the first thing he does is outdraw a man who wasn’t satisfied just staying in the corner raping some woman. Now on NYPD, the dark haired, beautiful woman, suffers psychologically with memories of a situation where she was forced against her will. So that’s unequal. And, this makes me weak again. But one time, maybe in relation to my cousins, maybe something else. As if I were an ass-hole driver fixing my hair with a brush, not a comb. Dad kind of had Mom laugh “don’t worry son, we’ll protect you. Like it’s a f’ing joke. Yeah, women are the weaker sex, and you know why? Because when you cry, or say I don’t like what you’re doing, you get laughed at. So things are better in Suits and NYPD blue. Nobody makes anyone cry and when the men are sexual, the women are sexual right back. All while sharing the power being a lawyer, or a police officer. So, in the television world, it’d be nice if sex was used in equal play like that, but in the real world, it’s not. And it probably never will be.


Drop the link of the podcast and pin it, please.


Your emotional strength is worthless if you have no influence or power over your circumstances. You need enough power to act in the world… I applaud the moral man, the stable man… but if he lacks the agency to do something with his emotionally stable situation, he is just as useful as the man with no morals and no agency either.

Never ignore physical or financial power. It IS something.


Think that was a little overly simplified. Getting angry at getting cut off is pretty common it's what you do with that angry, controlling it makes you stronger, obviously, so I don't agree that makes you weaker we also have records of people basically going berserk mostly northern Europeans, most people know the Vikings or more accurate Scandinavians, they literally had a traning school / cult thing for it from memory.

The point is that some people are more inclined to be aggressive, but that doesn't make them weaker only if they can't control it.
When the shit hits the fan, they come back in a big way because they normally the ones more likely to survive conflict.


mental strength can definitely be increased in progressive overload training.

And emotional strength from using your new found physicality in competitions with others.

There's a reason why most boxers/martial artists are more levelheaded than the average man.

To say building physical strength doesn't build you up mentally and act like most nerds and fat people are mentally stronger or more emotionally stable than athletes/gym goers is delusional.

However you do need the other aspects and social skills to completely nerf others and dodge traps.

Hit the gym today and still read your book.
