Orchestrating Transactions over microservices with Sagas and Spring Statemachine by Oleksandr Sytnik

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The world has changed from a monolithic architecture to microservices. This change has brought flexibility, scalability, and many other benefits. Now business transactions can span multiple microservices or even 3rd party systems.

However, this change is not for free. CAP Theorem says that a distributed system can achieve only 2 of the following 3 requirements: Consistency, Availability, and Partitioning tolerance (CAP). In addition, when faced with the question of whether you want it right or you want it right now, humans usually want an answer right now rather than right. Which basically opens a world of eventually consistent systems.

In this session, we will talk about the challenges of implementing distributed business transactions and explore how we can use Sagas and State machines to orchestrate them. The session will cover:

- Transactions in the Distributed world

- Orchestration of business transactions with help of Sagas

- Implementation of a simple orchestrator using Spring Statemachine (Live coding)

About the Speaker: Oleksandr Sytnik, MSc

More than 15 years ago he dived into the world of AI with Matlab and C/C++ to develop a vehicle license plate recognition system, 10 years before AI become mainstream. A bit later, he started writing software for smart cards, and communication servers where he encountered (and fell in love with) Java. Now Oleksandr focuses on microservices, cloud, and operational activities, and more recently, he started exploring Kotlin (but it is going to be a separate story).

In his free time, he likes traveling by car or on a motorcycle (especially on the motorcycle) and he's interested in photography, AI, Robotics, and software development in general.

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