They're smooth with it, get it yall. Love it barbarawoodard
They're smooth with it, get it yall. Love it
I be trying to tell everybody you don’t turn 3 times you only turn twice then reset this video is the right way. jocdumbway
I be trying to tell everybody you don’t turn 3 times you only turn twice then reset this video is the right way.
Had to watch this to confirm that you start with your left foot teijondrialee
Had to watch this to confirm that you start with your left foot
Listen all the time.. I'm 72 yrs ol prettypurses
Listen all the time.. I'm 72 yrs ol
Wonderful dance Rhonda continue to teach Legacy line dance. patriciagattison
Wonderful dance Rhonda continue to teach Legacy line dance.
I see it done so many different ways 😢 melissamelissa
I see it done so many different ways 😢
Love to see this community and activity. I got it down now! dominiquemcshan
Love to see this community and activity. I got it down now!
I thought you was supposed to step with the left lilk
I thought you was supposed to step with the left
Do you not teach instructional? Step by step? hotsaucecreolebeauty
Do you not teach instructional? Step by step?