The Scientific Reason Your Beard is More Attractive to Men

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Why are men obsessed with beards? Do women even like beards?

In this video, we explore why women are indifferent to beards and why men love them so much.
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As a wielder of a 5 inch beard. I can agree wholeheartedly. Younger men view me with respect. I definitely stand out of the crowd and i exude confidence. This is what attractants women who get past your initial looks. Some Women still like Masculine signals and a Beard is a Major one. Also Babies love beards and are often mesmerized.


I’m in it for the illusion of a jaw line. A problem turtleneck doesn’t have.


I feel sorry for guys who can't grow beards. It's really sad.


its rather similar to why men go to extremes with bodybuilding. most serious bodybuilders know women dont like those huge freaky physiques, but men prefer the intimidation factor of being jacked, even to the point of self destruction.


Bro this is type of content is what I LOVE!!


thing is this: if you impress other men, the ensuing social interactions will make you more confident which in turn is like the #1 atractivity maker for women.
So you could say women dig it inderictly.


Insightful and light humored. Keep doing more of these!


Two years ago, I decided to grow a mustache. It's not as magnificent as Nietzche's but it's still has a certain je ne sais quoi.


Being with a salt-n-pepper beard now, I love it. More valuable than a college degree ;)


I love that study you mentioned. And I feel it’s true, men prefers bigger, hairier, stronger, …etc . While females prefer strong yet soft, average yet some muscles, stubble but not a big beard, I think males have that need to be the Alpha and the number 1 in every male related aspects for competition within the males in the same pack


I prefer clean shaven, but I’ll do a clean lined up beard a couple times a year


If you are having a hard time growing a beard, you might want to look into Minoxidil or derma rolling. I went from a sparse moustache and goatee to a really dense beard coverage. It improves bloodflow to the face and it gives the hair follicle nutrients which rapidly increase the maturing of hairs (eg. makes the thin hairs thick and darker). Give it a year/ year and a half and you would likely have a awesome permanent beard.


Only handsome guys with strong jawline and facial structure tend to not have beard.


I'm a guy with pretty much no facial hair. I have sideburns with a little bit of hair on my chin and a few hairs on my cheeks. Literally single strands of hair all over my face. It looks terrible if I don't shave.

I did 2 microneedling sessions and started using castor oil for a little over a week and I'm already seeing hair sprout in the bald spots where there was none. Strongly recommend for any guys who struggle with beard growth to give this a try.

I used the Giovanni castor oil for anyone that wants to know the exact one I used. I'm not sponsored just sharing the blessing. And 1mm derma roller.

I know for a fact that it would take me decades to develop proper facial hair but at the rate I'm going now thanks to the things I'm doing I feel like I will have solid facial hair in the next few years. It has sped up the process multiple x.


So, even though the luscious beard does not attract mates it scares off the other dudes. Science.


So instead of peacock attraction, its Lion mane dominance.


Beards went all the way from being rugged, manly accents on guys because they were supposedly too busy ripping down trees and throwing elks around the forest to shave regularly, to chinless/jawless/overweight weirdos massaging their faces with peppermint oil and conducting beauty routines to rival women. If someone’s doing anything beyond basic trimming and keeping their face clean they better not be going after clean shaven guys for looking less “manly” lmao.


I actually have had a beard since I was 14 and I just wish I didn’t have a beard idk I just like the clean look and my hair grows so fast I can never ever get that it’s always at 5 o clock shave 😭


A man with out a beard is like a lion with out a mane


Some societies prefer shaving, and others prefer beards. Beards have different meanings from one culture to another, and even in different eras of a single culture. The hipster beard of today is different from the religious beards of some Jews and Muslims. Competitiveness in the male business world of the 1950s required the clean-cut (shaven) look.

This is the problem with evolutionary sociology: it cannot account for the vast diversity of human cultures. When it comes up with various ad-hoc explanations for these differences, it exposes itself as an unfalsifiable discipline— ie unscientific.

Besides, how evolutionary sociology can be reconciled with existentialism is beyond me. The very premise of evolutionary sociology is essence precedes existence.
