The Dungeon That Changed Destiny Forever - Destiny 2

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GSUPPS Code "Evan":




The Shattered Throne is a dungeon of many legends in Destiny 2. This dungeon introduced in Destiny 2 Forsaken has many stories to it including the 999 power story, the 15th wish, the unsolved mystery of season of the lost, the shattered realm, and way more. Filled to the brim with secrets, heavy in atmosphere, and even stronger in challenge sits the ultimate secret in Destiny 2. Will the Dreaming Citys curse be broken? Or will Savathun and Dul Incaru keep this city in a state of a perpetual curse?


Time Stamps of Each Part:
Intro: 00:00
The Curse Begins: 03:50
The Descent: 06:29
Vorgeth: 12:10
Dul Incaru, The Eternal Return: 14:49
Bows, Eggs, and Skulls: 18:06
The Beginning of the End: 24:37
Bloopers: 29:18


"The Shattered Throne" Dreaming City Dungeon! [Destiny 2 Forsaken]

Destiny 2: The SHATTERED THRONE Dungeon Guide! | Forsaken

Bagel4k's 999 Shattered Throne Solo, "Break the Curse" Theory (Guided)

Dark Souls Remastered - Walkthrough Part 16: Ornstein and Smough

SOLO Kalli, Last Wish Raid Boss | Destiny 2

Destiny 2: The Shattered Throne Guide - Bosses, Chests, Ahamkara Lore Bone Locations

Destiny 2: Last Wish Final Encounter Riven's Heart - Cleared

Destiny 2: Last Wish Final Boss Riven - Cleared

Destiny 2 Forsaken: Shattered Throne Dungeon

4K AI REMASTERED Destiny The Taken King Intro Cinematic

Darksouls Prepare To Die - 12 - Beam walking and other Anor Londo related things

Destiny 2 - Solo Dungeon Guide: Shattered Throne - Flawless

Solo Flawless Shattered Throne Dungeon in Season of the Splicer [Destiny 2]

Dark Souls - Opening Cinematic 8k (Remastered with Neural Network AI)

Destiny 2: How to Get Wish-Ender, Exotic Bow

Destiny 2 Forsaken | Shattered Throne Complete Dungeon Guide

Weekly Reset Sept 25th - Destiny 2 Forsaken - Dreaming City - Shattered Throne - Ascendant Challenge

Destiny 2: 9 Taken Egg Locations in The Shattered Throne (& 1 Lore)

Destiny 2: How to Get the WISH-ENDER Exotic Bow | Forsaken

Destiny 2: Shattered Throne Speedrun WR in 4:41

Destiny 2: Shattered Throne Speedrun WR in 5:14

Shattered Throne WR Speedrun in 4:43

BEST XP FARM season of the lost 700K XP PER HOUR



Destiny: The Taken King - The Fallen Wolves

Destiny: The Taken King - Oryx Ascendant

Dark Souls - The Iron Golem

Destiny: The Taken King - Betrayer

Destiny: The Taken King - Into the Pit

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Darkness Gathers

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Of Starlight and the Dark

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Queen's Oracle

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Abomination

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Thin Line

xGladd Lvl 7 Rage:

Thank you all! If you read this dm me on Twitter for a reward (first come first serve, please screenshot this)!
Рекомендации по теме

everyone was chillin till the final boss had "the eternal return" in there name


I consider Forsaken a DLC with two stories. The first Arc was about the Tangled Shore and your path of destruction against Uldren and the Barons. That ended with Uldren's death. The second Arc is the Dreaming City and everything that had to offer.


can't wait for pit to be titled "the dungeon that didn't do anything"


Shattered Throne is still one of the best pieces of content we ever got.


If the Shattered Throne gets vaulted, it would mean that the perfect method of farming certain catalyst for exotics would disappear as well. I remember when I told my friends in my clan that the Thrallway was the best spot to farm catalysts for, and I also remember how long it took when I first did the Shattered Throne back when the Black Armory was still around and I had to get that quest item for Izanagi's Burden. Shattered Throne is one of those dungeons that is fun to go back to every now and then, and I hope it stays.


This video reminded me that this dungeon, and Bagel4k’s story is what kickstarted your series of documentaries.
God damn.


Since I got my solo clear years ago i never took off that emblem. This is one of my all time favorite PVE moment in Destiny.


Soloing this was an experience. Jötunn was my best friend during the Vorgeth fight. Also playing this as a Nightstalker Hunter felt like being a thief burgling in a cursed castle. One of the best content in the game.


With us getting a dungeon or raid every 3 months with a hard version, starting with the 30th anniversary pack you got a lot of big stuff you may work on


Cant wait for the next video “the patrol that changed the destiny franchise as a whole forever”


I feel like this was a lifetime ago. I remember taking my parents through so they could get the exotic bow.


I still remember when my sibling and I two manned the dungeon when it released. We never had anyone to fill that third spot and it took a lot of time and attempts but we did it.


People who only look for thrallway checkpoints are missing out


I will always remember the bugged Wish-Ender, being able to two shot large blockers in Gambit was an amazing feeling


17:27 The most satisfying super kill I've ever seen. That made me stop the video just so I could laugh for a couple minutes.


I feel like sunsetting the dreaming city is bound to happen through a story perspective. Petra opened the gates to the dreaming city for the guardians to help stop the curse. once the curse is lifted, there would be no reason for the guardians to keep wandering into awoken territory. So I wouldn't be surprised after we ended the curse, and mara sov is just like "alright, y'all are done here, get the fuck out!"


When I first found this dungeon, I asked and convinced a friend that it might be a micro raid.
Being the completer type, she agreed and she hated me after


I would love for you to do a series of videos on every location: what their collectables and enemies were like, and what the general story and theme was.


I remember soloing this flawlessly at launch for the Triumph and Emblem, good times.


These aren’t just the best Destiny-videos I’ve ever seen, they’re some of the best documentary-style videos I’ve ever seen, period. I’ve watched some of them several times now, they’re just that perfectly made, informative and an absolute pleasure to watch. Thank you, seriously, you’re a truly amazing content creator 🙌
