U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Election - Fourth Round

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The House reconvenes today at 12pm ET for legislative business. Following the quorum call, there will be nominating speeches for candidates for Speaker.

Last night, the House Republican Caucus voted Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) to be their speaker nominee. This is the conference's fourth since the Oct. 3 ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

The House will take a vote on the election of the Speaker by manual roll call. 215 votes are needed to win the gavel.

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Thank you, Democrat caller, for assuring me that Mike Johnson will be a good Speaker.


The house is FINALLY back in order!? Thank God! I hope he proves to us that he means what he says and says what he means. This country is for ALL PEOPLE not just the ones you agree with. WORK TOGETHER!


Pink slips for the ones not present! Enough time has been wasted get to work


There is a button in the reactor that releases calcium chalk in the event of something that we aren't allowed to say they should have pushed the button to release the calcium chalk in the reactor


If you find the CT scanner the MRI scanner and the flooriescope that was hit by the tornado on I 24 you need to pour calcium chalk on it as much as you can to put the fire out and reduce the radiation


Mike Johnson the now Speaker of House is such a small man with a complex of


The people have voted for elected politicians that they should go to they shouldn't come to me I haven't ever been paid to be the her Majesty Empress Queen


I came to the Youtube C-Span channel to see the hearings going on today in congress and there is nothing. No new posts for a week. Something wrong at C-Span.


Originally people would herd cattle, that is why crossing was "ok" 200 years ago.


Also send this message I posted this on the news and at the United Nations they should eat food that has no salt no sodium no pepper no seasoning no spices eating boiled or baked potatoes boiled or baked meat without sodium or salt and pepper any spices or seasoning they should eat chocolate bars it will make them more comfortable to have a bland diet


I guess you need to call Donald rumsfeld but Donald Rumsfeld didnt pass that test Donald rumsfeld doesn't make inspector repairs to reactor


Idk, but that last national election was def suspish


Use field chalk and dirt that has had potatoes grown in it dust the chalkboard eraser's


2:09:24 did not realize he was born when his mom was 17. Wow. Hope he is humbled knowing that


So I could have done this from Jalisco Guadalajara because I mean whatever you need to use the field chakk to reduce the radiation I don't get paid to do this anymore I don't work at the United States department of defense as a subcontractor inspector that repairs reactors with inspector repair I don't work there any more


Honestly getting under a blanket thick comforter can help take a multivitamin United States armed forces military BDU's give protection during radiation that other nations uniforms don't


Did the blank that demands the peanut butter fire a nuclear missile maybe he hit Japan's reactor if he did hit the reactor with the nuclear missile he won't receive any more peanut butter anymore because he only had one nuclear missile


The caller is correct! They weaponized eeevvvveeerrryybody against Jim Jordan, they buzzed on that name!!
Who the heck is Mike Johnson, lol. He is also a prayerful man, now elevated in power after his colleagues took a few hits for him. Thank you, team. Thank you strategists.

Ooh, that guy watching like it's sports. What you counting?


All right here's the problem sodium bicarbonate right can reduce acid in your stomach and it does even during radiation but the problem is it could burn the inside of your mouth with the sodium so it is their decision as to if they have something like Tums or rolaids an antacid or a long-lasting an acid reducer to control gastroesophageal reflux also calcium chalk can help to reduce radiation and calcium chalk and dirt from potato fields which gives the potato field problem but it will help to reduce the radiation the chalk and the potato dirt that the potatoes have been grown in will help reduce the radiation if they can drop it in the heaviest areas and even in the lighter areas of radiation I would start in a lighter areas and work my way in to the heavier areas with the chalk combined with the dirt potatoes has been griwn in


I don't work at the United States department of defense as a subcontractor inspector that repairs reactors with inspector repair anymore and haven't in years I had this all memorized but I don't think that I should be asked to work without being paid and I didn't think I should be deported but I was and so what I really think is you should just send me my passport so that I can return to the nation you deported me to and then I I can't be held responsible to answer any of your questions you had better smarten up because without me being there right even with me answering the questions and telling you exactly what to do you don't comprehend what it is you need to do I can't help you anymore and this is on the test
