We Rank Phase 3 of the MCU! | The Escape Pod Podcast Ep. 35
It reminds me of a game I've played, its called Hardspace Shipbreaker. Its an indie game set in space where you basically cut down old and abandoned ships but you're DNA is saved by the company you work for and so if you die for whatever reason, you're simply replaced with a clone of yourself. Although its a dark undertone, the actual game is pretty relaxing.
Confinement by Lord Bung if the show actually continued in the making:
Hoping this movie is so stellar that now when people think of Robert Pattinson, they’ll rmm him from this movie instead of twilight. Like no hate on twilight but from an acting stand point, you don’t want to be type casted into a vampire role for the rest of your life like give my man some creative room to breath pls 😅
I feel like background and stage looks less realistic my only worries in this movie.
Please check out the book Mickey 7 it's what the movie was based off
Isn't it basically the same premise as the 2009 sci-fi film, *"Moon"* starring _Sam Rockwell?_
I’m so hyped for this man! Reaction’s up on my channel! It’s growing man!