Fist Bump 8 Bit Remix - Sonic Forces
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so uh i transcribed different sections in different orders but hey it's still all good. i've been dealing with terrible back pain for the past about week or so, lol. i'm not at all that old and should by no means be having back pain by this point but its been happening consistently for a while now. been walking around my home with a walking stick.
anyways, sonic forces is not a good game, it's pretty shit, actually - BUT - i do feel that there is more to forces than there is to frontiers. keep in mind i haven't played any of the new frontiers updates, so all of my opinions are based only on the game at launch. frontiers was painfully boring. the gameplay was fun and for the first time since sa1 felt like an actual variable moveset and not a series of timed moves you're prompted to pull off. besides that, frontiers was shit. the islands were boring and the world was bland. one of the benefits of being a hardcore sonic fan is that over the years i am more than able to accept when games in series that i like are shit, and frontiers just didn't do it for me. there was no style and nothing of substance for 97% of the game and only really got good towards the end. forces is a bad game, yes, but it is not forgettable and a waste of energy when compared to frontiers. i've done the whole routine of a bad game being better than a boring/forgettable game a hundred times by now but surely it applies here. forces had a cool style, man. it may have had less than stellar controls but at least it wasn't a fucking utter bore. botw and its consequences have been a disaster for video games. it made everyone shit their pants over muh big barren open world with little things scattered about and caused other devs to take notice and try to ape that style. botw wasn't that good. "wahhh wahhh eggo you're being contrarian again" yes, i am. breath of the wild barely even counts as a zelda game in my eyes. much as i think it could have been way better than it was, skyward sword was the last true zelda and probably will be the last true zelda for the foreseeable future seeing as how botw and totk sold like fuckin' hotcakes. aonuma needs to be put down. i know people who have only played botw as their only exposure to the zelda series and act like they're hardcore epic 1337 gamerz and refuse to play any other zelda besides the new slop. video games are just going to continue to get worse because people just don't have standards anymore nor do they want to have standards. i'm sure if people who only play new shit went back and played lttp they'd have fun with it, because games like that stick out in your mind as being true quality experiences. it seems that people, especially a disturbing amount of those in the younger generation, write everything pre-wii off as retro and not worth playing; engage in subhuman tendancies. muh graphics[slur]s and people who whine about clunky mechanics when the only retro game they've played is mario 1 are the reason for the decline in gaming culture. people like to blame it on women or minorities or (((them))) but none of those (okay besides maybe that last one to an extent) are the actual problem - "GAMERS" are the problem. people who eat up garbage without question or an established sense of taste (or an established sense of taste only fed to them by social media algorithms) are where all of the problems in games/gaming culture now can be derived from. i dunno. i just want people to like good video games. i get that it's all subjective but i can never shake the feeling that most modern games are fed to people by the algorithm, as well as their tastes. nobody would have given a fuck about fucking balding gay 3 if it hadn't been shamelessly shilled everywhere on the internet and if it didn't have le animal transformation sexo. the internet has if nothing else given advertisers/companies a million new ways to psyop the population in to thinking that [x] is the best thing since sliced bread. the problem is that people are buying in to all of their schemes without question. i suppose that this is a problem that most certianly applies removed from the context of video games but we don't need to get to that level of schizoid discussion today.
tldr: be a shameless contrarian - free yourself of the social confines of clown town and you'll see just how fuckin' awesome and fun life can be.
have a grand day, gentlemen. see you next week.
anyways, sonic forces is not a good game, it's pretty shit, actually - BUT - i do feel that there is more to forces than there is to frontiers. keep in mind i haven't played any of the new frontiers updates, so all of my opinions are based only on the game at launch. frontiers was painfully boring. the gameplay was fun and for the first time since sa1 felt like an actual variable moveset and not a series of timed moves you're prompted to pull off. besides that, frontiers was shit. the islands were boring and the world was bland. one of the benefits of being a hardcore sonic fan is that over the years i am more than able to accept when games in series that i like are shit, and frontiers just didn't do it for me. there was no style and nothing of substance for 97% of the game and only really got good towards the end. forces is a bad game, yes, but it is not forgettable and a waste of energy when compared to frontiers. i've done the whole routine of a bad game being better than a boring/forgettable game a hundred times by now but surely it applies here. forces had a cool style, man. it may have had less than stellar controls but at least it wasn't a fucking utter bore. botw and its consequences have been a disaster for video games. it made everyone shit their pants over muh big barren open world with little things scattered about and caused other devs to take notice and try to ape that style. botw wasn't that good. "wahhh wahhh eggo you're being contrarian again" yes, i am. breath of the wild barely even counts as a zelda game in my eyes. much as i think it could have been way better than it was, skyward sword was the last true zelda and probably will be the last true zelda for the foreseeable future seeing as how botw and totk sold like fuckin' hotcakes. aonuma needs to be put down. i know people who have only played botw as their only exposure to the zelda series and act like they're hardcore epic 1337 gamerz and refuse to play any other zelda besides the new slop. video games are just going to continue to get worse because people just don't have standards anymore nor do they want to have standards. i'm sure if people who only play new shit went back and played lttp they'd have fun with it, because games like that stick out in your mind as being true quality experiences. it seems that people, especially a disturbing amount of those in the younger generation, write everything pre-wii off as retro and not worth playing; engage in subhuman tendancies. muh graphics[slur]s and people who whine about clunky mechanics when the only retro game they've played is mario 1 are the reason for the decline in gaming culture. people like to blame it on women or minorities or (((them))) but none of those (okay besides maybe that last one to an extent) are the actual problem - "GAMERS" are the problem. people who eat up garbage without question or an established sense of taste (or an established sense of taste only fed to them by social media algorithms) are where all of the problems in games/gaming culture now can be derived from. i dunno. i just want people to like good video games. i get that it's all subjective but i can never shake the feeling that most modern games are fed to people by the algorithm, as well as their tastes. nobody would have given a fuck about fucking balding gay 3 if it hadn't been shamelessly shilled everywhere on the internet and if it didn't have le animal transformation sexo. the internet has if nothing else given advertisers/companies a million new ways to psyop the population in to thinking that [x] is the best thing since sliced bread. the problem is that people are buying in to all of their schemes without question. i suppose that this is a problem that most certianly applies removed from the context of video games but we don't need to get to that level of schizoid discussion today.
tldr: be a shameless contrarian - free yourself of the social confines of clown town and you'll see just how fuckin' awesome and fun life can be.
have a grand day, gentlemen. see you next week.