Carmine Clemente - How Do Human Brains Think and Feel?

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Nothing means anything without our brains. Not science, not theology, not politics, not love. Everything we know and do—all the sense of human thought, all the feelings of human emotion, all the fullness of human achievement—all are the product of the brains in our heads. By what processes do human brains work? How much can science discover?

Carmine D. Clemente was a medical doctor and former Director of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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Learning how to learn and communicating what has been learned is a sense of consciousness.


There's no language that really explain our sense of self awareness and experience


I wish I could.... a genuine scientist.


No concept of time...suppressed emotions/traumas. Narcissists trigger to manipulate and control.


Sometimes I was like... "Is this deeply profound, or incredibly obvious to anyone?" - e.g. the brain is where personality resides and develops. I mean yeah? Or... :)


My dogs each uniquely different “personalities” and behaviours, are they “persons”?


The human brain thinks and feels using all 78 organs that are simultaneously changing their inner and outer structures on the cellular and microscopic levels while moving around biological materials around the body with accuracy and at the same time building on a digital image for self a flame that starts to die down after 27 years before the body starts developing weaker cells that could affect everything including the body and brain IQ levels and then the thinking and feeling mechanisms.
This is the reason why it's so hard to break free from a bad habit that could lead to death.
To prevent a bad habit it has to start with childhood first and the same technique can be used on a baby tiger cub.


Map brains without neuroscience proceendings. Talking brains funcions are no neuroscience guys .


This man sounds like a very reputable and genuine man.

I'm a Platonists, not by choice but by Reason itself. For examples are given, such as in the seal and wax metaphor. For the pattern(principle or cause) is what's pressed into a substance(matter) that receives the form and essence(nature) and it is not the substance that engenders this. For the principles, first causes and essence(s) are immaterial( for a beings nature is what is from an essence of a form). Everything to a hammer is a nail, implying perspective and perception must be exercised, a result from mental development known as spirituality. For if such men posit evolution in organisms then so too is there mental evolution. Nobody see's the seal, but the wax and we know of the seal because of the enmattered being. There's other elements overlooked and disregarded, absolutely, there is no question about this.
All is consubstantial – this aids man greatly for clairity in thought. For nothing comes into the universe but out from it. The 4 chief elements are perturbation modalities of the Aether – dark matter: in principle, the aether is not like any transient object thing in phenomena; it cannot be subject to time, nor circumscribed or delimited in anyway to space, for space is the negative image of and really even isn't.
For feeling and thinking is one thing, what is being felt and why, and what is being thought and what's its very Reason in substratum i.e. how does such realization of a immaterial substance fit in harmoniously and participate in the universal soul?


"How Do Human Brains Think and Feel?"

It is not a property of physical matter being enslaved by physical laws, such as the physical brain, to freely choose to think and to feel...

... to freely choose to think and to feel is the power of our free aware immortal soul which is our true being...


its weird how people talk about their brain as if its a toe. We are our brain. Every other piece of our bidy can be removed and remain conscious for a period of time, with assistance, except for the brain.


It's seems that consciousness is beyond our control makes sense to use evolution to your advantage we humans are the only beings that question that and it's due to fear


Consciousness gives rise to what we would consider immortality you die consciousness is reborn where when is hmmm


Everything in nature has a purpose consciousness is pure information which cannot be destroyed example 125 this information has been shared with all that is in agreement with my conscious experience I cease but the information that was put forth remains
