Staza Gospi Sinjskoj / Our Lady of Sinj Route

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Hodočasnici će zavjetni korak uputiti Čudotvornoj Gospi Sinjskoj obilježenim stazama kroz slikovite krajeve bogate povijesnim nasljeđem. Na duhovnom pohodu nebeskoj majci proći će uz ostatke starih staza i mostova, gradine, utvrde, stećke, sakralne objekte i muzeje.
Sliku Čudotvorne Gospe Sinjske još su davne 1687. godine u Sinj iz Rame donijeli franjevci u bijegu pred osmalijskom najezdom. Otada se vjerni puk rado utječe svojoj zaštitnici koja ih je, prema predaji, 1715. obranila od mnogostruko brojnije neprijateljske vojske.
Svake godine, uoči blagdana Velike Gospe, u noćima između 8. i 15. kolovoza, na hodočašće prema gradu Sinju kreću tisuće hodočasnika, osobito mladih, a 15. kolovoza se održava središnja vjerska svečanost. Praćena slavljenjem zvona i sviranjem fanfara, slika Čudotovorne Gospe Sinjske se iznosi iz crkve u svečanu procesiju ulicama grada. Velika je čast ponijeti Sliku na ramenima.
Hodočasnici pristižu iz nekoliko pravaca, a najviše iz pravca juga, iz Solina te sa sjevera, iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Staza Gospi Sinjskoj proteže se na relaciji Solin – Sinj – Livno – Tomislavgrad – Rama i duga je 148 kilometara. Hodočasnički je to put kojim se, iz nekoliko pravaca, stoljećima pješači k najvećem marijanskom svetištu na južnohrvatskim prostorima. Projekt Staza Gospi Sinjskoj odobren je u sklopu programa IPA Hrvatska - Bosna i Hercegovina i oslanja se na tradicionalne pješačke i konjske staze i napuštenu trasu Rere, nekadašnje sinjske željeznice. Razvijanjem prateće infrastrukture i podizanjem svijesti o neizmjernoj vrijednosti kulturnog i vjerskog nasljeđa, staza Gospi Sinjskoj polako nadilazi lokalne okvire i dobiva međunarodnu dimenziju. Staza je aktivna tijekom cijele godine, ne samo u vrijeme svetkovine Velike Gospe.
Poseban je doživljaj krenuti pješice drevnim utabanim putevima na duhovno putovanje, daleko od gradske buke i žamora, i pronaći mir i utočište u sigurnom okrilju Čudotvorne Gospe Sinjske.
Worshippers will set off on the pilgrimage route to the Miraculous Madonna of Sinj on marked paths through picturesque landscapes rich with historical heritage. On their spiritual path to the heavenly mother they will pass relics of old paths and bridges, forts, tombstones, sacred places and buildings, and museums.
The Image of the Miraculous Madonna of Sinj was brought from Rama to Sinj in 1687 by the Franciscans who fled from the Turks. Ever since, the faithful people have been coming to their saviour who, according to the legend, has defended them when they were greatly outnumbered by the enemy in 1715.
Every year thousands of worshipers, especially the youth, set off on a pilgrimage towards the city of Sinj. The event takes place on the nights of the holiday dedicated to Our Lady of Sinj – from August 8th until August 15th, when the central ceremony is held. Accompanied by the sounds of church bells ringing and fanfares, the Image of the Miraculous Madonna of Sinj is brought from the church onto the streets for a grand procession. To carry the Image on one's shoulder represents a great honour.
Worshippers arrive from several directions, mostly from the south, from Solin, and from the north, from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our Lady of Sinj Route is 148km long spanning from Solin – Sinj – Livno – Tomislavgrad – Rama. It is a pilgrimage used through centuries to travel from several different directions to the largest Madonna sanctuary in southern Croatia. Our Lady of Sinj Route project is approved within the IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina project and relies on the traditional walking and riding paths, as well as the abandoned route of Rera, which was once Sinj's railway. By developing the accompanying infrastructure and raising awareness of immense value of cultural and religious heritage, the Our Lady of Sinj route is slowly superseding local frames and is gaining an international dimension. The route is active throughout the whole year, not just in the period of the holiday.
It is a unique experience to set on an ancient religious journey by foot, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to find peace and sanctuary in the safety of Our Lady of Sinj.
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