League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 70

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1- Mecanism on Lee Sin
2- Wazzooo on Sona
3- MikaMikuli on Katarina
4- lolFreedom on Nunu
5- Gandria on Amumu
Bonus- Milfzors on Poppy

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To those who dunno what happened at bonus clip, Poppy's W causes the enemy to be pushed into a wall. Poppy hit Caitlyn right at the moment she recalled, so the push effect of her W followed Caitlyn, granting her turbo speed back to bot, lmao


No one could ever deserved a number one spot as much as this one. Good picks!


that lee sin is the true definition of a 1 man army lol


Hey Tezzzy74,
Sorry must have been a typo, I fixed it in the description can't really edit the video so I'll add an annotation.


Congratulations on 70th Week & Thanks for all the previous Weeks and the Weeks to come XD


Mathematic rule :

- The more kills you do in a game, the less safe ansd coordinated your opponents are playing.
- The less safe they play, the lower they are.
- If your opponents are low and you are not conscious of it, odds are that you are low too.


Most Lee Sin would go something like Wraiths > Red > gank, but this one decided to go enemy Red > Soraka > Olaf > Cassiopia > Graves > donate Soraka. It's a risky route, but he managed to make it work.
= Interesting


performing a Nunu ult in the middle of a Kennen ult isn't exactly the smartest thing in the world.


No, that really was Cait running back to the spot she was hit by Poppy. The camera doesn't show it but as soon as Poppy enters the brush afterward, Cait is at the bottom left of it and uses her net to get back to the tower.


It's a really good episode, teamplay actions, and a really epic number one, nice clips dudes


That lee sin.... and that amumu/fizz. SO STRONG


hes talking about how many kills lee sin has, "4 kills in 4 minutes" anyone else wanna go against this GUY?" directing it towards lee sin


No matter what level of play this is. Best early game ever. Guy just carried his team and guaranteed the win after 4 minuts of playing. Please go try that at noob level, you cant.


Adrenaline Rush, it creates tunnel vision, Lee Sin looked so low, and Graves had more then half health. Olaf was winning the fight, and he could see that, he wasn't counting on the brush attack and Lee Sin's CD's coming back up. Soraka was probably coming to ward tribrush after she saw Lee Sin try to gank once. He landed an AMAZING Q though and got her. Cassio was getting really frantic and wasn't taking her time aiming her skills, and she missed because of that and Lee Sin's dashes. No space.


It makes me happy to see how many people are raging about the clips that basically just showcase someone using their ultimate well. If completely changing the outcome of a teamfight with a single well placed, well timed, well positioned ultimate is considered to take "no skill", then we should all pick those champs, because they're clearly busted.


Poppy knocked Caitlyn against the wall right when Cait teleported back to base. Then as they killed Janna, Caitlyn flew back to the place where she had been stunned.


I guess Poppy dash was supposed to cause Caitly to go to the wall, but as she recalled in this very moment, she went there from her spawn base.


Watch that bonus clip over and over again... So extremely funny :DD


Two things. Graves isn't me, I don't play many AD carries the few I play he isn't one. At around 2:53 if you play it at the slowest you can, you can see Summoner heal go off and his health bar go up just a tiny bit (because it is only 110 health, I messed up on how much summoner heal was for earlier.) So with her W heal probably at around 4:50 it she wouldn't have time to do it twice due to the CD and the duration of the fright. Even if she could it wouldn't have saved either.


THAT LEE SIN!!!! Now that is a clip deserving of the number one spot!
