Earth observation to protect natural landscapes | ECOPOTENTIAL

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Featuring ECOPOTENTIAL, a European funded project that focuses on a set of internationally recognised protected areas, this video describes how the unprecedented availability of satellite data allow scientists to understand large scale changes in our environment and how best to protect it.

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Now we need leaders to listen to the scientists that interpret the data, and act in the interest of the planet. Good job ESA!


Free available data from satellites I think is feat in itself. Getting to the point where all science data is free and scientists do not have to compete for money will be a great moment.


we can only solve a global problem with a global view. Thanks ESA for helping us fighting climate change !


É muito bom estar um passo à frente para salvar o que ainda resta desta Terra que é unica e tão, mas tão bela de paisagens estonteantes e espécies que não se podem perder!! Os satélites tem funções vitais e importantes informações ...mas nesta encruzilhada humana parece uma tarefa dantesca!! Mas água mole em pedra dura tanto bate até que fura!! A persistência como a água demove paredes... Continuem este trabalho excelente de alerta!!


"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." - Peter Drucker
"Measure it to protect it." - ESA


Looks like the graphics creators and video editors have spared no effort in making this! :D


I think the main cause holding back growth of the channel, or at least its viewerbase has to do with how the YouTube algorithm works. The algorithm suggests the videos that people watch and therefore it has a large impact in viewers. To start things of, many YouTube channels remind people to like the video and subscribe to the channel, as well as enabling all notifications for the channel (the bell to the side of the 'subscribed' button). Asking for liking may feel a bit obtrusive, but is has been known to make a difference, especially likes. And of course, this channel is not focused on getting big, and that's a good thing as channels wanting to be very big tend in the direction of sensational content. Yet, I believe there are people out there who would be interested in this content and don't get in touch with it, or people who have gotten in touch with it but have forgotten about it because the YouTube algorithm never suggests it to them anymore. I don't doubt that you know how to run this channel well, but as someone who watches quite a lot of YouTube videos, most of them with a scientific aspect, I want to share some tips I think could further improve the channel:
1) Like I said before, not everyone has the habit of liking every video he sees, so reminding people of it might give the platform the important signal that people are enjoying the videos.

2) Quite some quality channels have a 'second channel'. This is because the YouTube algorithm isn't that good at distinguishing different video types on a channel, and so if some people aren't clicking through suggestions of those other types of videos, because they aren't interested in them, the algorithm could start to think that those people aren't interested anymore in the whole channel. Creating subchannels isn't something you would want to do without knowing it would work well, but perhaps adding all videos to playlists would help, as this could be a way for the YouTube algorithm too to see which videos are of which category.

3) The first thing I noticed when I stumbled upon the channel were the thumbnails and titles, the thumbnails sometimes felt too detailed, and therefore not very pleasant to look at if they were shown very small. The titles are sometimes so short that it didn't really described the contents of the video that well. Further, I found the videos way to superficial and focused on saying PR phrases, but for the first of these two it seems that this is getting better, however it could be a bit confirmation bias too. For my love of space exploration and Europe I decided to stick around and to give you the occasional suggestions if you were open for it. Some examples on different video titles: I would personally choose instead of "Cheops: science in action" something like
"How Cheops Will Continue the Hunt for Exoplanets", or
"Discovering Worlds Beyond Our Own With Cheops", or
"Cheops: Advancing Our Frontiers in the Search For Exoplanets".
And this video could be titled instead of "Earth observation to protect natural landscapes | ECOPOTENTIAL" to something like
"Collecting Data From Space to Protect Our Natural Landscapes - The ECOPOTENTIAL Project", or
"The ECOPOTENTIAL Project: Protecting Nature Down Below From Up Above", or
"Protecting Our Natural Landscapes | Earth Observation for the ECOPOTENTIAL Project". (General trend: using a verb or question instead of a noun)
That's another think I found weird about the titles, almost all channels on YouTube use as title convention First Letter of a Word Capitalisation of All Words in the Title Except for Some Short Words to Be Defined by Yourself. Not using this convention might look unprofessional to people who see YouTube videos outside the videos on this channel, as it did for me.


"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." - Peter Drucker
"Measure it to protect it." - ESA
