Texas Mom Arrested After Posing as Her 13-Year-Old Daughter

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A Texas mother who filmed herself posing as her 13-year-old daughter to sneak into her middle school and attend classes for a day, claims she did the stunt to prove that security was poor.


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Yeah, she proved her point that strangers/non students can get in, but students are the ones doing most the shooting.


She proved a point alright. People will do just about anything to get views on their YouTube channels.


She shouldn’t be charged with anything


While we stand with her In order to expose justice system, go ahead and refuse to let a child from the bus get in the school because they don't look familiar u will get into real trouble


This was nothing but a desperate attempt to convince herself that she could still pass for a young girl. She's no longer a spring chicken and she needs to face the music.


Although i think she proved her point, the question is, how would you prevent this from happening. Even if they had visible student ID's if she looks like her daughter then nothing woudl change. They would literally need some form of fingerprint ID or retina ID and I know the general public would have a field day with that, so how do you prevent this from happening?


This should be front page news and should compel all school districts to drop the mask mandates and bring kids back to school in person or have teachers that are 100% focused on in person classes and others that only focus on the online classes or just have better security all together because this shows how easy an adult can infiltrate an entire school


This has nothing to do with mental health 😑😑😑.


honestly I think she just wanted to be in high school again


Here's the thing. If that was her point, well she did her job. Ya'll talking about she shouldn't do this and that. Grim reality, sometimes it takes this to get the point. Sometimes people have to go through stuff to get the point. No lie, the schools security is garbage. The school I went, it was so easy to get in and out. So easy to do anything. I actually think it's dope. I rather be her than a mass shooting. At least in her predicament, nothing bad happened. Then she got caught the last period. The fact that help tells me that the security school is trash


The reported guy is a complete asinine. What does popularity have anything to do with security?


I am a teacher…please remember that this comes down to funding AND the fact that we have different students added to our roster every few days or weeks and when you have 150 students like I do then you realize that you’re expected to remember these people by name you’ll stop judging…security starts at the door….we aren’t security guards and can only do so much at a time… with that being said we should be vigilant but when you were teaching online and in person simultaneously without any distraction then come back and talk to me


She posed as her own daughter no point proven


Nobody questioned she wasn't a child with her adult voice and not asking her to remove her hoodie. Most teachers don't allow hoodies in the room.


What was the real point? Actual security? A social media hound with a cover story? Real concerns about the 2nd amendment? Just bored, wants attention? Psychiatric issues? Either way still too early to tell for sure. But this was just a creepy way to go about it. For any reason. Completely childish and immature with no sense of where the line is. Security awareness? Please. This is going to come down on her hard. You don't go against the Constitution for more security. Period. "Those that would chose security over freedom deserve neither"


What point.... prove that point at another school where you don't know anyone, where her daughters friends ain't helping her get around.


Parkland, sandy hook those killers didn’t belong in the buildings


I think that the teachers should go away and have a good think!
These things are happening everywhere and everyday with disastrous results and consequences!


I’ll be the first one to admit it, but her excuse is complete bs! Just for views and attention as any person who starts a YouTube channel or any social platform. Can’t believe the people who fall for her are that naive. After all attention is the coin of the realm in girl world.


What ever happened??? Did they drop the charges or what, it’s been 4 months… no one has updated this story!
