2 INSANE Tips for Gearing in The War Within Season 1

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I wanted to make a video talking about crest discount and this recrafting hack. I haven't seen many people talking about it, so now seems like the right time.

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Gearing is really fast right now if you have a character that plays in a high end group and or has nearly every 0.1% er on friends list, willing to carry your 600 ilvl tank thru 10s and higher. Everyone else yes these are good tips but dont think your going to get 4 pc and 618 ilvl in 48 hours without paying for it.


Video summary

1. Abuse crafting system and gain an unfair advantage, possibly opening you up to a ban.

2. Get your mythic raider friends to carry you through the hardest content in the entire game

It’s really easy to get geared fast guys


I dont let these youtube wow guys tell me how easy it is to gear. They list a key and get 4 2500 players instantly wanting to carry all of their characters. The rest of us don't live in that world.


for fury that dont change anything - you can already rank up every weapon free if you get 1 2hand weap^^


Gearing is only that fast for top end ppl. Rest of us aren't getting +10s or mythic boss kills.The grind to 620 is real.


I couldn't get to the comments fast enough. I was not disappointed.


gearing is only fast if the rest of your group are nearly full hero and are willing to do keys underneath them to help you lol. for everyone else this is the slowest gear progression has been since the advent of the upgrade vendor.


It’s not easier than season3-4 of DF as you got myth track crests at a much more obtainable dungeon level. Now for alts this is all true but mains it’s not easier


Gearing is only fast if you have people boosting you. The average player won't get 620+ in 48 hours or at all to be honest.


"flightstones" bro's brain is stuck in previous expansion


Something else that will greatly accelerate gearing fresh alts will be reaching rank 24 renown with each of the four TWW factions. It's probably a little tough to be there now (I've only got Hallowfall that far, the rest are around 19-20), but once there, they give out a free Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest, one per toon per faction. Can use those to crank out 619 pieces for your alts and not even have to farm the hero crests for it. Just need the 250 valorstones to create each spark, and the renown rewards will help a lot with that too.


Tettles may not be a mole person, but his head is firmly underground.


For fury warriors it is even easier. Get a 2h 636, swap to arms spec and relog. There you go, every 2h wep on your bag can be brought up to 636. Everytime you want to get the second 2h as fury, just swap to arms and relog


620 is just halfway to max this season. Let’s instead talk about how to raise it above that with “ease”


Yes getting boosted through content is very fast way to gear your character who could have imagined, you understand that most players cant even complete a 9 with an undergeared character in the group right?


Gearing is quite if you have a group to play with.


You can only gear fast if you are in a group of 2.5k+ and willing to boost you


This guide is bullshit. Note I didn’t watch i only played for the last weeks mythic dungeons and its by far the most grinding season.


I genuinely didn't notice the first improvement just thought "huh, weird, my alt that I've been playing a fair bit has actually managed to keep up with my main's gear progression."


The achievement to save crests on alts after getting 619 on your main is great!

But I don't see how it's worth to spend 1 spark and 90 guilded crests on items (Trinket/ring) that are not going to be BIS or actuall good items you want to use, to reduce the price of a 2nd piece of the same slot type.
And you still have to actually do high end content to have an RNG chance to even get and item in said slots to get the benefit of the cost reduction.
This is at best a slight min/max thing for people already clearing a lot of the raid on mythic and m+ 10 or higher. Just to save a small ammount of crests but at the same time setting you back on sparks that could be used for embelishment slots that won't be replaced.

I could see it being a slightly more usefull tip for weapons, where you actually might want to use a crafted weapon for your offhand if you're going ascended embelishment for raid.
