Python Operators + if-else + Loops | 2/100 Days of Python Algo trading

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Python Operators + if-else + Loops | 2/100 Days of Python Algo trading
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Day 2 of our 100-day Python algo trading challenge dives deeper into the essential building blocks of your trading toolkit! Master Python operators to perform calculations and comparisons, control the flow of your code with if-else statements, organize your programs with modules, and automate repetitive tasks with powerful loops.
Here's what we'll cover:
0:00 Intro: Get ready to level up your Python skills!
1:22 Python Operators: Explore arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment, and other operators to manipulate data and make decisions.
26:42 Python if-else: Learn how to create conditional logic in your code, allowing your programs to adapt based on different scenarios.
34:16 Python Modules: Discover how to break down complex projects into manageable chunks and reuse code efficiently.
43:46 Loops in Python: Unleash the power of automation by repeating code blocks with for and while loops.
By the end of this video, you'll have a solid foundation in Python programming concepts that are crucial for building sophisticated trading algorithms. Get ready to transform your ideas into executable code and take your algo trading journey to the next level!
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100 Days Schedule Link
MCQs Link
Coding Task Link
Day 2 of our 100-day Python algo trading challenge dives deeper into the essential building blocks of your trading toolkit! Master Python operators to perform calculations and comparisons, control the flow of your code with if-else statements, organize your programs with modules, and automate repetitive tasks with powerful loops.
Here's what we'll cover:
0:00 Intro: Get ready to level up your Python skills!
1:22 Python Operators: Explore arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment, and other operators to manipulate data and make decisions.
26:42 Python if-else: Learn how to create conditional logic in your code, allowing your programs to adapt based on different scenarios.
34:16 Python Modules: Discover how to break down complex projects into manageable chunks and reuse code efficiently.
43:46 Loops in Python: Unleash the power of automation by repeating code blocks with for and while loops.
By the end of this video, you'll have a solid foundation in Python programming concepts that are crucial for building sophisticated trading algorithms. Get ready to transform your ideas into executable code and take your algo trading journey to the next level!
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python for beginners
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python algo trading tutorial
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machine learning algorithms for trading
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Python mini projects
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