Station Building Mock-Up

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With initial investigation of how the station floor plan might have looked when the station was originally built, a cardboard mock-up is created to gauge the buildings proportions in relation to the platform and surrounding area.
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Hi, really glad to have been sent here from the station rebuild site. I stepped into my first loco shed, (Greensfield TMD), in 1974 and retired from our local rail network last year. I grew up next to an NCB railway and must have driven my parents mad by always refusing to leave a station until the steam train we had just alighted from had cleared the platform. Great layout and channel 👍


Bloody good one Kiwi. Seriously Julian, I think you have nailed the proportions very nicely. Victorian structures were built to impress as well as being utilitarian. In my readings, the railways particularly, built to reflect their own status and impress upon their customers that theirs was a better railway than competitors and a better way of travelling altogether. With the addition of chimneys and finials the roof line will be great, overtopping trains in the station by just enough to provide good gauge clearance and give the building an air of superiority over its more mundane neighbours.👍👍


Great mock up, really helps plan out the station. Impressed as always Julian. Cheers.


Wonderful video l always look forward to seeing your new work on the layout, All the best Colin from Mossend railway oo. 😊


Great idea to make a mock up, good plan!


Enjoyed the running shots, and really love what you are trying to achieve. I have no doubts it will be well worth it in the end. I also follow Chandwell, the modelling is exceptional, and I`m sure your endeavours will be just as rewarding.


Julian I have watched the videos of the renovations of the station. This week they showed the architects planes for the inside. Maybe they now have the height of the building which could help you. You are an amazing model maker and have enjoyed your videos for a few years now. Thank you for the videos. Dave


Good work, like the idea of a mock-up before doing the actual build, it makes sure the plan is feasible

Liked the trains running too, looking forward to the next episode


Yes, it's looking perfect in size. I think you couldn't find a full feature station being smaler. Great job you are preparing the final build and I'm looking fprward to the development following up. Thanks Albrecht


fantastic Julian! I really like that little building site area at 17:50 that's underground level - superb!!


Looking good Julian like the mock up, on my layout I made card versions of the station buildings and then made plasticard final versions with some modifications due to 'perspective' I don't own a digital cutter so painstakingly cut them out by hand !!


If you are looking for more space for the station building you could move then track over closer to prototypical spacing. I think they were about 10'6" in the UK, that's 42mm in 4mm scale.


Yay first comment and to watch lol. Looking good so far in this series. Very inspiring


Hi Julian. Another fantastic video of your layout and how you go about working out sizes and situations, it's going to be a fantastic addition. Great lateral shot of the layout looking across the platform into the towns industrial area and foundation arches. One thing that I didn't realise was how many curves you have on the layout, are there any straight pieces?. I can see that by having the curves you've been able to create lots more extra space.


You'd best start eating Wheatabix cereal, Julian. And start collecting the packets for mock-ups. LOL!


Best looking good I think the building is a bit low when you bring the canopy out from the building it's going to be lower than the trains


Yes I think the next move would be to bring up the street level. As I was thinking that would be my / your next move . It's coming along nicely looking forward to the end result .


To gain some ground level space, I am wondering if you could squeeze your running tracks a bit closer through the station, before going ahead with any further work. It's just a thought. Well done.


You certainly put a lot of thought into things, Julian. I wouldn't have the patience... Sometimes I make larger buildings to 3.5mm scale (rather than 4mm), as I find true scale buildings can dominate things somewhat. Though I ensure that door openings etc. are of a suitable height and not too small.


Your comments on society in the past with elite gentleman's rooms. A bit like VIP airport lounges these days?
I've been in those 3 times, always fixing their wifi 🤣 At least they were nice enough to let me eat and drink before they ushered me out.
Great to see you using the "Chandwell method" He's a fantastic modeler.
Looks like you're progressing nicely Julian. Cheers!
