CNC Tramming

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Herse how I go about tramming my Stepcraft Q408 CNC machine. I'm using the Edge Technologies 1/4" shank tram gauge.

Here's a link to my Amazon Affiliate store, You can find the Tram Gauge there along with all my favorite CNC and woodworking tools!

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Thanks for this video. I have a Q204 and could never find a tramming video done on the Q series. Nicely done!


Nice video. Thanks for the info. I just bought the same tool to tram my new Onefinity Foreman Elite. I'm gonna dive into it this weekend.


For anyone using Lexan or acrylic/glass sheet, be aware that these materials have variations in surface thickness. It is necessary to set both dial indicators to zero at the same X/Y location as shown. However, it is then necessary to take the magnet and verify that it is zero under the X/Y location beneath the second dial indicator. If it is not at zero, then adjust it to zero in order to compensate for the variation in material thickness. You may then proceed to tram the head in the first axis. Repeat the process to tram in the second axis.


Looking at the Q408 series, can you tell me what you like/don't or maybe even do a video on this? There doesn't seem to be a lot out there on this machine, Thank you!


never seen someone level off acrylic before. from my understanding acrylic has a fairly large deviation range for its width.


Really dumb question: I guess this assumes that your bed (and the acrylic) are perfectly flat? I'm sure that it's probably better than not tramming it. This is probably crazy talk, but what if your bed or the acrylic sheet were not flat, or not flat in the spot where you trammed the spindle axis? Almost makes me wonder if there should be some kind of first pass around the whole bed with a laser range finder or something to make sure the bed was level, or maybe to find the most level part of the bed that could then be used for tramming. Maybe the variations in the bed are small compared to the variance or deviation in the spindle axis?


I assume you know that the vacuum board has zero run out end to end in both directions? Since you only checked it in one spot? Please explain how that works in the other extents of the machine work area? Is it square with the gantry? Isnt that what would really matter?


nice vid Mike. Do some more long form stuff!


Nice video - thank you. I am currently trying to decide between a step craft m or w series CNC and a one finity journeyman elite. I am impressed with step craft but there isn’t as much content on you tube as there is for one finity. I am curious about what made you choose step craft and did you consider one finity. Thanks


Would this process pretty much be the same for an overseas CNC machine? I have an HTC6090 and it’s leaving some pretty good tool/maching marks on my metal. I’m wondering if my tram is off.


Would love to see how it’s done on a stepcraft m 1000


Can you show video how to assemble the m.1000 CNC using a precision dial indicator?
