Static vs Dynamic Typing

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Let's chat about the difference between static and dynamic typing. Learn which one I think is better and when you would use one over the other!

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== Chapter Contents ==

00:00 - Intro
00:28 - What is dynamic typing?
01:12 - What is static typing?
01:59 - Is static or dynamic typing better?
03:18 - Type inference - why static typing is better!
04:08 - Why newer languages offer the best of both worlds
04:25 - If static is better, why learn dynamic languages?
05:26 - Outro
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The recent videos on the channel have been crisp and informative. Please keep up the good work


dude your website is legendary. So much better than anything else out there


Wonderful explanation. Really helpful to not only grasp what is meant by the two terms, but also why dynamic typing can actually be problematic.


thank you for this and the course been loving everything so far on my free trial lol


I am studying about entropy and i'im just fall in here seeing videos about python and everything i love about programming. Tks, Lane!


Good video, watched it as part of the Python Course. Still a little vague as to what TypeInference actually means tho, but kind of 50~60% grasp it ✌


One way to think of dynamically- vs statically-typed languages is that in dynamically-typed languages, it's the _values_ that have type but in statically-typed languages it's the _variables_ that have type. HTH.


4:14 c++ has type inference using auto keyword


having only had C as my main language (student in electrical engineering here), I'm all for static types, dynamic types feel super weird to me XD. I once was searching around for how types were handled in python and I couldn't get a good answer to my question, although now I'd guess that an int can be based on anything from 8 to 64 bits ? also, with masking (to make a variable into one that's of another type) aside from speed, I completely agree that dynamic types would be mostly a source of error as opposed to a good thing for more consquential projects.


A big advantage of Static Typing was memory allocation. If you declare a to be an int, you knew exactly how much memory a would ever need. This also of course came with a whole bag of problems like array boundaries in C and such.
Modern memory management and the huge amount of memory available for most applications renders this completely moot.
You can also use type hints in Python to make clear what the intended type of a variable or function result is and a good IDE will find many potential errors that way.


Nice video but this is how I always felt about dynamic/static.

I don't see you "var x int = 5" is verbose of hard to read? :)

Okay, you need to know what an integer and a variable is, but hopefully, if you are gonna write code that doesn't run into other mysterious bugs down the road, you should probably know what an integer is and how it works?


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