Marxism Festival 2015 trailer

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Marxism 2015 is a five day political festival bringing together thousands of activists, trade unionists, students, writers and academics. There are over 160 meetings on everything from Palestine to UKIP, climate change to socialist alternatives.

Speakers at last years Marxism festival included John Pilger, Gareth Peirce, Darcus Howe, Peter Hain MP, Billy Hayes, Sheila Coleman, Michael Roberts, Janet Alder, Ronnie Kasrils and Louise Raw.

At Marxism 2015 there will be plenty to discuss. It will take place only a few weeks after the General Election. Although at this stage none of us can predict the outcome, it looks set to be one of the most racist election campaigns witnessed in Britain. Whatever the result, the question will remain of how we can build a bigger and more united left in Britain and take on the racist scapegoating of UKIP.

Events in the United States have shone a spotlight on the issue of police racism and violence. At the same time over 100 years on from the start of the First World War, questions of imperialism remain. From Gaza to Iraq, Syria to Ukraine, bloodshed and destruction continues and so does resistance to war.

We will explore all of these issues as well as many others at Marxism 2015 and welcome ideas for the event.

You can check out last years Marxism timetable

Click here to book your place at Marxism 2015

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