Mate in three | The Missing Defensive f-pawn | TriKeefy
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An absent f-pawn makes the diagonal longer
The black f7 -pawn is important for defence. If it has been moved, lost or exchanged, the
castled king is often more vulnerable.
This is particularly the case when White has a bishop placed on the a2-g8 diagonal
(usually on the c4- or b3-square). Black's king is usually on the h8-square, shielded from
attack by its own pawns on g7 and h7. The problem is that the black king has very few es-
cape squares, as the white bishop controls the g8-square .
If White can administer a check with queen or rook on the h-file, the black king is in-
variably in major trouble. White's goal is therefore to open the h-file in any way possi-
ble, which usually means a sacrifice
The black f7 -pawn is important for defence. If it has been moved, lost or exchanged, the
castled king is often more vulnerable.
This is particularly the case when White has a bishop placed on the a2-g8 diagonal
(usually on the c4- or b3-square). Black's king is usually on the h8-square, shielded from
attack by its own pawns on g7 and h7. The problem is that the black king has very few es-
cape squares, as the white bishop controls the g8-square .
If White can administer a check with queen or rook on the h-file, the black king is in-
variably in major trouble. White's goal is therefore to open the h-file in any way possi-
ble, which usually means a sacrifice