Is the CM Punk Era in AEW Officially Over?

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With the news that AEW wants to BUY OUT CM Punk's contract, now we have RAMPANT SPECULATION about the Straight Edge Superstar returning to WWE!

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If there is one thing that has never changed about Punk, it's that he holds grudges to death. I don't think he'll ever go back there


What a run it was. Mans did a full 180 in a year. Optimistic fresh and happy, turned to pessimistic pissed, was already old, tired, and hateful


I know this is a Punk related video but I have so much sorrow for Kevin Nash and his family right now. Prayers for him and RIP Tristen Nash. 🙏


I give AEW a LOT of credit for doing everything they can to take the focus off of Punk and the Elite. I credit MJF and Moxley for doing what they can to reign back interest into AEW.


CM Punk did have an excellent year in AEW, however that year will always be overshadowed by what happened on his last day in the company.


I think Punk should find another sport with less physical contact. Maybe croquet.


I think this calls for a ring of the hawk episode on CM Punk's AEW run.


A good honest approach. Brian I've always appreciate your candor and level headedness when it comes to wrestling.


But you gotta ask, if this is how he behaves when he gets everything he wants, would they even want him back?


I very much doubt that will happen. This isn't the Cody Rhodes thing. Cody didn't end on bad terms in the same way CM Punk did and WWE didn't bury Cody the way they did Punk after his departure. Maybe I'm wrong, though.


Well, you can't say CM Punk didn't bring this on himself. I remember his UFC aspirations, building himself up as if he were fit for that style of combat only to be pummeled within, I think it was, 30 seconds by a veteran on his first live televised match. Then he signs with AEW, promises to be a locker room leader, healthy mentor for the young upstarts, then runs his mouth off in an interview and gets into a brawl with one of the roster stars. I'm beginning to wonder what's next? He starts a riot at NJPW? Drives people up the wall at IMPACT?


When he was signed by AEW. It was reported that someone in WWE said he's your problem now. I'm guessing it was Triple H.


I doubt Hunter will want him in WWE after what happened after the media scrum


If CM Punk went back to WWE. I would be dying of laughter


It's been pretty clear how CM Punk likes to hold grudges, seeing as he still went back on the Colt Cabana situation on that media scrum.
However, there's two factors. One, will always be money. Two, his fairly brief AEW run might've brought back CM Punk's desire to wrestle and if that's the thing WWE would be the only place that can afford him. So with that in mind, I'd say yes, there is a chance he would go back. Adding to the fact of grudges, he might also wanna stick it to AEW and the EVP's in particular, who he's been very vocal about.


I was saying this about punk along time ago and fans would argue all day that about how good he is. I'm proven right.


I don't think they should bring him back. As much as that might seem like a money making idea. At the same time I can see Punk getting into a scuffle with not just Paul, but any other talent in WWE. Punk is not mature enough to return to the world of wrestling and I think that's really sad considering he's a 43 year old turning 44 soon. An he still acts like a child.


CM Punk is simultaneously one of wrestlings greatest triumphs and catastrophes


Sadly i think Punk is done in AEW, i liked what he was doing over there.

i just can’t see him back in WWE but we’ve seen crazier things in wrestling


Could it happen? Sure, anything can happen in the wild world of wrestling. There were times folks thought Hogan, Bret, Warrior, and the list goes on would come back

But, realistically? I can't see it happening. Something tells me Triple H and company just wouldn't want the headache of dealing with CM Punk. I mean, just look at that one promo HHH did on him years ago when they worked together. And as you said, Punk is WELL known for holding grudges

Also, idk how CM Punk would fit into today's WWE locker room. Guys like Roman and AJ Styles have made it clear what they think of him, and I'm sure that more probably have a bad opinion of him, so how would that gel?

In the end, while I don't see it happening, could there be enough $$$$ and other things thrown about to make it work? Sure, there is always, always, a chance of the unbelievable happening in pro wrestling
