New Every Morning - Audrey Assad

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In the beginning You hovered over the waters:
You broke an unbroken silence: You spoke light into darkness
And there was light

In the beginning we were made in Your image
We were naked without shame til we fell for the darkness
And there was night

Your mercies are new
Your mercies are new
New every morning. 

In the beginning there was the Word and he was God
And the Word was with God and He dwelt among us 
And there was life

In the beginning the Lamb of God was broken
And His blood was poured out for the sins of the world 
And there was life

At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light
At the cross, at the cross, I received my sight
At the cross, at the cross where you laid down your life
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Dear Audrey, remember that this song applies to you too ❤ hearing about your "deconversion" saddens many, but we all have a crisis of faith and so many struggles in life. Keep seeking God and He will reveal Himself to you. Every morning!


Dearest Audrey, Just because we choose to turn our backs on our TRUE saviour Jesus, HE will NOT turn His back on you dear precious child of God.He will never abandoned YOU - no matter what the deception of lies the enemy has told or shown you.HE, our Jesus will KEEP ON CHASING YOU His little and most PRECIOUS lost lamb. He’s calling YOUR name dear child.


Audrey, My elderly Mom passed away in hospice at the age of 93. I have found great comfort in my grieving while listening to your beautiful hymns. It gives me great hope knowing that she is waiting to see me again in Heaven and your songs have helped me to imagine what that day will be like. What a Hope we have, Audrey! What Hope there is in the words you have sung. I pray that God will draw you back to Himself, I pray that you will experience the emptiness of life without Christ and return to the new mercies He has in store for those who believe.


Everyone who sees this comment pls join me praying for Audrey that she could have a breaktrouhg with Gods love and every attack on her mind by enemy WILL NOT PREVAIL! ❤️🙏🏼


What we need to remember is it wasn't Audrey who wrote this song it was GOD who inspired her, gave her the words, and gave her the sound of these songs. So many Christian singers fall to the gods of money, fame, and popularity. When they fall its hard not to fall with them because they are idolized as the intercesors of the SPIRIT through the music they sing. They are humans. They sin. They fall like the ancient kings of old. Good news for them they can repent like the rest of us because they are not less or greater than any other person. GOD says not to put your trust in other humans. There is only ONE we should be trusting, and HE IS GOD.


Dear Audrey, I ache that you have left the God you loved so much. Please take time to reread the lyrics of your songs--you may see the way back home. God loves you so very much!!! Holy Spirit will follow you and speak to your heart as others pray for you!!! God gave you life and so much talent for you to use for His glory!!!! I will pray for you!!!!


Anyone out there, please pray for me. I am sinking beyond any depression I have ever had. I have had spiritual attacks one after the other in the last month. I am about to become homeless. Please Jesus, help me!


I was just reading one of the interviews and I don't think it's deconversion. Obviously I don't know Audrey personally or anything but from the interview it seemed like she just wants to figure out what she believes in and she wants to be honest about the journey that she's on without feeling restricted but rather being completely honest and transparent which is a huge step, it's not easy to do at all. Many of us live lives based on how we think others want us to live which leaves us more broken than we were. Praying for you Audrey, may God guide you on this journey and show you the Truth 🙏❤️

When you seek God with all your heart He reveals the Truth, this is part of my testimony of how I came to truly believe in Jesus 🙏 I stopped listening to what everyone else told me about Jesus and searched the truth for myself.

"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."
-Jeremiah 29:13 ESV



Praying for you Audrey, the Lord will win this battle!


There's something special about her voice that's impossible to describe. Even when you start by thinking that the song isn't all that special, by the time it ends, you're singing along. Her music becomes a breath of fresh air, only made better by repetition. Glory be to God for the voice of Audrey Assad.


You maybe deconstructing but your music is constructing us in ways you may never know audrey, we love you, God loves you....


Hi Audrey, I am not sure if you will read the comments on your channel..I just want you to know that I discovered you last year and your song " I shall not want" has ministered me so much through this pandemic. Being unvaccinated in my country, I suffered a lot of persecution and your song "I shall not want" has helped me to overcome the trials and prepared me to be separated from the world. You are a blessing and I will be praying for you . The Lord will never leave you or forsake you . I have left the Lord once. I left Him for almost 20 year but He has never left me, always pursuing and waiting for me. He will do the same for you too. Love u 💖


it's awesome that Ppl from all over the world are listening to this and love the LORD JESUS..makes me smile..GOD bless u all


In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.


NOTHING can snatch you out of Jesus' hand. The Holy Spirit will chase you down and love you back, @Audrey. You will be ok. Searching and doubt are not something to fear. An untested faith is a weak faith. Your journey will only strengthen you. And the Father will see you from a long way off and run towards you overjoyed!


Dear Audrey, I'm in love with your song. One day, I remember my friend sent the link of your song, 'Good For Me', in the middle of the night. At that time, I was in the crisis of faith, I don't believe Him because I'm feeling disappointed. It was the turning point of mine when I heard your song, I'm so blessed because I can pray again (in tears) for the first time after 2 years. He is Good Father, and I do believe He loves you, Audrey, and we love you too <3


Praise God for the power of the blood of Jesus! It is the power that enables us to live sin free and holy!


Lyrics is so true. Please pray for my family brothers and sisters in Christ. To become one in Jesus Christ. Thank you.


Wow, i love songs that sing about the Bible. Modern contemporary Christian music to me they sing more about themselves and what god does for them rather than singing to god. I have a hard time worshiping to some of the music of today. But this is purely from the gods word. Awesome song and lyrics. Found my new worship music!!


I want to be a voice of support for Audrey amid what seem to be compassionate but judging comments. Everyone's spiritual journey is an unfolding and it is full of deeply personal treasures, rich personal growth, and understandings for which there are not words. I enjoyed Audrey's interview with NCR very much. The priest who inspired her inspires me as well; Richard Rohr is an amazing human being full of nuanced perception and rich understandings about spiritual life.

Opening oneself into deeper and deeper relationship with divinity is not a "deconversion" or an abandonment of God or even Christ. It is a journey into the wealth of experience that brings us closer and closer to the core symbols and true meaning of life and our place in it. Such journeys open us up even more to love, compassion and service to others. Sending you so much love, Audrey. You're exactly where you're meant to be in this present, wonderful moment. ❤️
