Banks Are Desperate for More Cash Forcing the Fed to Consider Expanding Its Emergency Program

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I wish every time I was desperate for cash the fed would help my balance sheet


I visited my local Lowe’s store this week. I was shocked and appalled at the prices of everything. Absolutely insane. I bought nothing, and liked it!


I Went to take some money out of my account for a home project, less than $6k and the bank teller was asking me what do I needed the money for. It caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting to be questioned about my own account. Things are changing fast.


I already had this experience a couple months ago. I inquired about a personal loan to cover some dental work (not covered under insurance.) Despite a excellent credit rating the bank told me they'd give me a loan at 15% interest. I said "No way!... Err no thank you, not at that rate." I ended up just using a low rate credit card at about 10% and I'm paying it off as quickly as possible.


Great Show Thank you - Keep teaching I am happy to keep learning.


I'm really curious why banks don't lend their way out of this problem? The Fed is basically giving them infinite cash at a 5% whereas even the prime rate currently sits at 8%. The loss of deposits means that they also owe far less interest against those assets. Figure an average of 10% loan rate, they could even lure deposits back by raising their savings account rates to 4% and still come out ahead.


In Lebanon interests rate went up to 8% and all Banks collapsed.
People lost there savings and half of the banks went up in flames.


It is to your credit that your presentations are polite but direct to the point. It does no good to rant but maybe some staffers will "get it" and it will do some good.


The "medical prescription " handed by Fed indicates the severity of the banking problems. In this case the dosage is heavy .


It's just a flesh wound, really ! Oh ... oh wait ... where's my head?


Let the chips fall as they may, We need a collapse to live in the reality of what we can afford. The banks need to collect the o/s balances and stop with the foolish minimum payment game. The borrowers need to pay back their loans quicker than the current modality. Collect what is due and the banks will become flush with cash.


Ive been with BofA for many years....big banks are all the same. Anyway, went today to get a "proof of funds" for a real estate transaction. Asked the teller if I needed to speak with someone to get it...he asked "what it was"? Long story short, they refused saying against bank policy to issue a proof of funds....just another reason banks are not your friend.


Agree with your analysis generally..But you came out with a real howler at 8.40mins..You said what consumer would wish to BORROW money from a failing bank..Answer is a smart one cos if the bank goes down you may at least get more time to pay back the liquidator and if the records are a mess avoid the payback altogehter..Banks collapse cos they scare off savers not borrowers, silly !


What good are all these bank "bailouts"? From my understanding, the FED is lending the banks money in exchange for their underwater assets, but charging them 5%. The banks were paying depositors 0.05% for the same money that is being replaced. That's a huge difference that's going to be a real challenge for banks to make a profit on!!!


I have been taking my family's laddered CDs and laddering Treasuries instead for the past 8 months. Other families have to be doing the same.


It's a big club and your bank isn't in it.


The machines are going to buuuuyyy!! No wait sell, no wait buy again… what a goof


2022-2023 will go into the Federal Reserve Textbook in the chapter entitled "What Not to Do".


If the fed cuts the overnight repo rates to zero, would that cause a massive exit from money market funds and risk breaking the buck?


In the 21 st century banks are not the only institution to provide credit.
