perfecting and explaining the plasma toroid

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I officially have a plasma toroid generator on my desk that can run indefinitely--no more heating issues.

Engineered Labs Shop

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00:00 Intro
00:48 A Brief History
01:38 *correct* physics of the plasma toroid
03:49 experiments!
07:19 building a better device
09:58 can it play music?
10:54 new plasma effects
12:08 perfect plasma toroid!
13:49 outro?
14:18 oscillator circuit explanation
18:24 bonus clip/my plans

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I legit want a kit version of this. It'd be an incredible talking point on my work desk


Great video man! Little tip for working in the shop, do not wear gloves when operating the band saw and drill press or most power tools for that matter. If they get caught up in the machinery it will pull the rest of your hand in before you can even think to pull away or shut off the machine. A little cut to bare skin is better than losing a whole finger or worse. Stay safe my friend! Keep up the amazing content!


I would love to see this refined even more in the future! Cheaper gases + custom PCB = win for everyone. Also, good luck pushing towards doing youtube as a career/at least ramping up the channel! Love the videos so far.


Hey Tate,

I came across your video today and I want to say, excellent work. I love the content. Keep up the hard work and continue to improve your craft. You’re quite good at breaking things down for everyone to understand, you’re humble, not afraid to show accidents, admitted mistakes and willing to trying again. Yes you can make YouTube a career!!!

- Try using graphics to help explain complex concepts
- Please use personal protective equipment
- Consider refining and putting into production the Plasma Toriod (different base materials, shapes, colors, variety of glass tube shapes, sizes, different color gases) these are way cooler than a plasma lamp and would look great in a kids room to an executive’s office.


Watching the phasma jump to life has got to be one of my favorite things, I would love to see a high quality 10 minute extended looping footage with that plasma ring floating in the middle in a dark room something like one of those videos with a cracking campfire or ocean waves. Great job on the video by the way.


I saw the plasma channel and Inteza with their version of this, and my question and possible experiments I want to do if I get enough free time is see if you can do non circular resonators. If you could mess around with radio antennas as resonators and concentrated electric field zones around antennas with different amounts of poles, it might be possible to have a monopole whip antenna create a hollow cylinder around it and a synchronized dipole create a beam between the two rods. If we can mess around with this and start projecting in a planned direction from the resonator and ignite air with handheld systems... Well now we have real plasma light sabers, not the Hacksmith's very hot torches. And if you can send pulses that will persist for a couple feet separate the resonator down a resonator barrel now you have short range plasma weapons, likely to mess up any drones.


Eine ca 40 Mhz Sendeschlaufe liefert dicht angekoppelt im unteren Drittel eine Plasmainduktion
mit einer Keramikkappe kann man wie bei einem Hornstrahler den Dipol noch anheben und z.B mit
einer Erdungsplatte den ganzen Ring ausgleichn. Gut gemacht !


I love that you add little explanations and definitions throughout the video. I don’t do much with electrical stuff so it’s extremely helpful


Well, I guess you could say your desk is now officially out of this world! Congrats on the plasma toroid generator, and I'm excited to see what kind of colorful creations you'll come up with using different gases. As for the metallic potassium and platinum samples, I think my video idea would be a dramatic recreation of the periodic table. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


I know every experienced YouTuber says do not try this at home. But I'm a dropped out Youtube PHD holder in engineering. So, Yes! I'm trying this at my home.
This is gonna make a great souvenir for my table as a show piece.
Thank you for the explanation and the schematic sir.


I've never become a Patreon supporter before...until now.
Your videos are excellent and you supply files for how to etc.
You have a massive future in science communication, and as a science educator myself, you have a natural talent for explaining complexities.
Looking forward to more.


You’re such a wholesome person, you deserve to be appreciated and happy in your endeavors.


This is one of those things where if you saw it in a movie you'd think "wow, they've got no idea of how things really work". Incredible work! I really want one of these.


The best kinds of YouTube videos are the ones that inspire people to go make stuff, and this here is an amazing example of that! Twenty minutes ago I didn't know this was a thing, and now I want to build one! Can't wait to see what improvements you make, and what projects you tackle next.

Also, very class-y explanation of the class-e oscillator! And I love your method of designing/fabbing PCBs. Keep at it with the acid etching, the ability to make PCBs at home is priceless (not to mention a huuuge flex)


This is one of the coolest things and best explanations I've seen on YouTube. I'm not familiar with Tesla coils and so I was wondering why you needed such a heavily analog drive circuit... Until you explained that it's running at 15MHz! 🤯

Really enjoying your channel!


i'm surprised that the glass didn't shatter when you cooled it extremely quickly after it was heated by the plasma. please be careful.

great video, i've been really enjoying following along with your experiments.


Maybe see if you could use the plasma toroid as an artistic oscilloscope. If you could fine-tune it so you could see a physical representation of modulation with a base band tone for example, that'd be pretty sick.


So glad to see you test out the coil orientation to test for convection. That was an interesting result.
Nice to see it still stay locked to the coil in the way it did and was just compressed due to the convection.


I'm looking forward to seeing this channel expand, it's been a while since I found a fresh science channel


Best of luck going pro, dude! You clearly have a passion for science and find joy in discovery. I hope you continue to share this blessing and inspire others. Good stuff brother.
