Evidence of the Afterlife: Jeffrey Long

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Dr. Long will present his current groundbreaking investigation of the content of NDEs that address humankind’s ageless questions which include: Is there an afterlife? What is the afterlife like? Is heaven a reality? This is the largest scientific investigation of sequentially shared experiences exploring the nature of the afterlife ever reported. Insights into the afterlife from NDEs do not seem explainable by pre-existing cultural or religious beliefs. The evidence-based and inspiring conclusion of this study is that the afterlife is real.

Jeffrey Long is an American author and researcher into the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). A physician by training, Long practices radiation oncology at a hospital in Louisiana. Long is the author of Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list. In 1998, he founded the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, which is concerned with documenting and researching NDEs.

Science and Nonduality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. We come together in an open-hearted exploration while celebrating our humanity.
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Dr Long is such a good guy. I owe him my life. Literally. He was my radiation oncologist.


i have studied Near-Death Experiences for many months and recently gaive a presentation to my fellow 1961 Dartmouth classmates (YouTube = "Afterlife Presentation at Dartmouth"). Your book and that of Dr. Bruce Greyson :After" were very helpful in my remarks.. I also think Bill and Judy Guggenheim" book "Hello From Heaven" regarding ADC's (After Life Communications) was very helpful and informative. I have not had a NDE myself but you and Dr.Greyson made me an Afterlife believer.


Love Dr Longs quest for truth. Been listening to him for over 23 years.


To me the fact that we have current awareness is proof of an afterlife. If our mind just went blank after death then how we would have current awareness? It would make no sense to be currently aware of our lives if our memory just ended after death.


Absolutely Truth!!! I experienced the "flashing before their eyes". I quickly saw my life and my mother crying if I was not coming back. I almost drown.


Science starring death in the eyes. Neither know what to do with each other


I would love for them to hear my experiences I've seen things my whole life and died and came back so many encounters with the edge


Why not interview a NDE researcher from DOPS? Not this hobbyist.


Dr. Long is on the right track…as far as life after death…I have lived in a haunted house…where 2 people passed away before I moved in…at the end of the day we are batteries…we are energy in a body and after we go it’s not what people think…I had a very close family member pass and a group of us heard their voice clear as day…


Denial of the closeness of DMT is not correct. You may need to dive a little deeper.


The problem is that when your awake your brain is always overloading to the point where you don’t understand what your brain makes sense of except from what your five senses show you. The part where the blind people. There ears can bounce of signals and there body also to create those images they talk about. What this research should lead into is the study of how stronger out senses get when the brain is being use to function the rest of our organs during NDE. Like how plants use there senses as eyes in the dark or how blind people can avoided objects when not trying to use there eyes. Etc with animals . Can’t explain in to much detail I’m in a hurry at work


What is this YouTube Channel about? Science and nonduality? That sounds atheistic if mind duality isn't a focus of the Channel.


Is it possible the NDE are all similar because it’s the natural thing that happens when the brain starts to shut down? The experiences all sound very similar


The fact that skeptics want so bad to prove natural and most obvious explanation for core aspects of nde like veridical perceptions in out of body state, accurate description of outside objects by congenitally blind people, universally shared scenarios that are always backed by afterlife context beyond religious iconography, radically heightened conciousness, meeting dead people they had no knowledge of being dead and latter proven to be the case etc.,
just shows how skeptics exercise intellectual insincerity. To dissmiss best explanation of conciousness surviving or existing beyond physical body, which is the only one that can explain all those aspects perfectly and elegantly, is simply to be ignorant and evasive. Proposing psychological and/or physiological and/or cultural explanations in order to account for hyper physical experience filled with godlike qualities is wrong and mistaken in principle, because what we need to explain and account for, are those aspects which invoke supernatural or extra physical components like out of body observations confirmed to be true, preserved conciousness despite lack of brain activity, no correlation between brain patterns that are associated with certain cognitive faculties and those cognitive faculties being functional, divine quality of experience, congenitally blind people having extremely detailed and clear visual experience etc. So the question is which brain mechanism or activity can be responsible for causing extra sensory perception in real time? How can disabled brain project perceptions of detailed events that are distant to unresponsive subject that has the experience, and all of that in the real time?

We must follow natural explanation that conciousness is not dependant on body ontologically, that it moves on when body dies, and that it has much greater faculties that we ever imagined, sort of faculties we attributed to God.
Clearly, this account on the ontology of conciousness implies that the most plausible ground of explanation for religious phenomena is simply innate fragmented memory of natural state of conciousness before the incarnation


The after life is absolutely real. I’m a channel and a healer also known as a medium and can communicate with those that have passed and are in spirit form. There is a connection between your spirit and your physical incarnation in this life as well as past lives. I’m also a past life regressionist. The spirit realm is very much real. So is the Divine.


Thank you so much for this information..made me smile and made my day🌱🌷🪺


I knew of a native American who was dead for a week and he met with his Indian grandfather's that told him he wasn't done yet on earth


escepticos miren el caso de pam reynólds, como alguien con los ojos, oidos tapados puede ver y relatar todo lo ocurrido durante una operacion y confirmado por sus medicos


Why do so many atheists troll believers pages of evidence? The last thing i want to do is go to atheists pages and blab my gums lmao🤷‍♂️


D.R. Raymond moody said he noticed the similarities between node's and biblical scripture. I personally pity the sceptic.
