Entrepreneur Visa or Investment Visa in Hong Kong | Register a Company & Set Up a Business in HK

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Apply for the Entrepreneur/Investment Visa in HK:
Register a company (set up a business) in HK:

What is Entrepreneur Visa? What is Investment Visa?
An investment visa or entrepreneur visa application is a subcategory of a work visa application.
The entrepreneur visa is designed for business owners or entrepreneurs who intend to stay in Hong Kong to actively participate in daily business operations.

How To Get An Entrepreneur Visa?
To obtain an entrepreneur visa:
The applicant must be a sole or majority shareholder of the Hong Kong company.
The applicant's business will enhance the local Hong Kong economy.

How Can A Business Contribute to the Local Economy?
Hire local staffs in Hong Kong.
Set up a local office in Hong Kong.
Have sufficient capital to run the business.
The Hong Kong business must have real and ongoing business transactions
The entrepreneur must be free of criminal records.

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