Double Slit Experiment, Wave Particle Duality Animated-WARNING SOMEWHAT INCORRECT

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WARNING—Yes, this video is partly incorrect. Nevertheless, it has such good parts as well, that I'm publishing it. Here’s a description of each section with notes on anything incorrect:

1) "Particle" shows non-quantum classical particles, let’s say pebbles. Yes, they go through the slits just as you would expect of pebbles or particles. But then, they randomly scatter on the detection screen. This is incorrect. Your common sense would tell you that the pebbles should form two clumps on the detection screen mostly aligned with the slits. The spread of the clump should be minimal. Real experiments show that your common sense is correct.

2) “Wave” shows a non-quantum classical wave, let’s say a water wave. The water wave goes through both slits. On the back side of the slits, they become two waves that interfere with each other. They form the crisscross pattern of ripples that we see if we throw two pebbles into a pond. This crisscross pattern of ripples hits the detection screen and forms a striped pattern. This striped pattern is the signature of waves interacting. It's called an "interference pattern" or a "diffraction pattern" or just "fringes."

4) "Add an observer" shows a quantum particle approaching the slits as a wave, but transforming to a particle due to the detector. Then, having past the two slits, it reverts to the wavy quantum state. This is correct until the pattern formed on the detection screen is shown as random. This is incorrect. Again, if the particle is going through a single slit, even though it reverts to a quantum wavy state later, it will form a clump on the detection screen mostly aligned with that slit. There will be some minimal spread due to diffraction of the wave. Experimental results show that the resulting pattern on the detection screen is two clumps, just as if the photon were a pebble.

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This video is the best portrayal of wave-particle duality in general, and the double-slit experiment in particular, that I have seen. It is the only portrayal I have seen that explicitly shows the collapse of the wave packet occurring at the slits in step 4. This collapse at the slits, due to the detector, is crucial to understanding the double-slit experiment and quantum measurement. Technically, the “which-slit detector” turns the superposition over both slits into an either-or “mixture” over the two slits, while still maintaining a fully quantum diffraction pattern at each single slit. However, the video is not perfect because of the two errors that you mention, one in step (1) and the other in step (4). These could be easily fixed, but this would require re-doing these two steps in the video. As it is, the video will not be widely used by physicists, because nearly every physicist would quickly spot these two errors. It would be bad pedagogy to show this video, with its errors, to students. It would be wonderful if somebody would re-do the video to remove these errors. 


The only incorrect part is the pattern after being observed that should show 2 strings of particles instead of a random distribution.
But still this is the best simulation of what really happens to the particle during this experiment.


Awesome - best vizualisation ever !!! ❤ thank you!!!


For the first time in all of human history, whoever you are, wherever you are, for all of you that are "Alexandra Hopkins, " you have done it. You have crossed the Rubicon. You have made the bridge of the knowledge of Physics comprehensible to anyone, from the graduate student to the one that is in grade 3 and is considered a good student.

Who is that student? That student in the 3rd grade is 9 years old. That student is considered a good student. That student does not make one single sound six hours a day. That student does not make one single sound for an entire school year. That student is on the "path" that he or she has been consigned and will walk for the remainder of their lives. Mute. But maybe, just maybe...

I have watched every video and read every word that all of you have written. The lessons you have written make learning possible for every child born in Bhopal, Moscow, London, Athens, Rome, Rio de Janero, Rhiyad, Tehran, Lima, Zacatecas, Peking, Los Angeles, and even the San Joaquin Valley.

If you have not yet decided that I am completely crazy, there is only one question that should be asked. Perhaps it is the most important question of all of the questions that are possible in any language of our past, our present, and our future.


Your vocabulary is the key. How can one speak the "language" of any subject if they do not know the words. And equally important, how can they know what the words mean if they have not learned to apply the words in that subject. Every one of your lessons begin with that base. Vocabulary and the usage of that vocabulary BEFORE the application in a particular study.

You have built the "bridge" over the Rubicon so that they will be able to cross from the side of nothingness to the side of wonderment. Bravo!

Well, gotta go. Hasta la vista, baby! Arriba Arriba! Andele Andele!
To infinity and beyond... So says Buzz Lightyear.


Really nice explanation. I have taken the video for a presentation that I have to do tomorrow. I hope you don't mind. I have put the link of your channel.


Why don't the particles at the start in the animation produce a pattern? When particles are fired the experiment works just the same.


I know that the observer detecter turns the wave into a particle but why is it that the wave also tune into a particle at the Screen even though there’s no observer there?

Is the Screen considered a observer as well?

Please Help I’m new to this


particle= representation of finity
wave= representation of infinity
finity (life) is a subset of infinity


Thank you, can I find the code somewhere ?


Where can I get permission to use this animation?


"What kind of sorcery channel is this?"
