Ban Ki-moon: Small island developing States are among the “giants in musical history.”

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United Nations - Ahead of a major United Nations conference in Samoa on small island developing countries, iTunes has teamed up with UN-OHRLLS to create a dedicated page on the popular site featuring music from artists born and raised in some of the world’s smallest islands.

In a message on iTunes the Secretary General said “Every day, island voices are heard all across the planet through music. They represent the spirit and aspiration of the people”. “Music helps connect these beautiful islands to the wilder world, influencing global popular culture”.

Drawing attention to the Third United Nations Conference on the Small Island Developing States, scheduled to take place from 1 to 5 September in the Samoan capital, Apia, the iTunes partnership also coincides with the 2014 International Year of Small Island Developing States , which has been designated by the UN to celebrate the remarkable diversity, culture and heritage of small islands throughout the world.
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