FAKER (Akshan) - 9/6/9 KDA GAMEPLAY

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Summoner Name: Hide on bush
Champion: Akshan
Runes: Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace, Bone Plating, Shield Bash
Final items build: Guinsoo's Rageblade, Guardian Angel, Cloak of Agility, Immortal Shieldbow, Wit's End, Berserker's Greaves, Oracle Lens
Summoner spells: Exhaust, Flash
Kills/Deaths/Assists : 9/6/9

Match information (summoner names):
Red team:
Player 1: Chain of light playing Gwen
Player 2: Slayerz1 playing Nunu
Player 3: Hide on bush playing Akshan
Player 4: Tqmweq playing Jhin
Player 5: 폴 루 playing Alistar

Blue team:
Player 1: 디알엑스스 playing Camille
Player 2: 이 차가 식기전에 playing Hecarim
Player 3: 유튜브 야망 playing Viktor
Player 4: 포근함 playing Samira
Player 5: X5 veteran playing Pyke

Patch: 12.1
Queue: 5v5 Ranked Solo games
Game: League of Legends
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