D4 Bad - Hymn

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Behold, the apocalyptic disaster that is Diablo 4—a game that doesn’t just miss the mark; it catapults the mark into another dimension where fun and quality are outlawed. This game, this monstrosity, is not just a letdown; it's a betrayal of biblical proportions, a stab in the back to loyal fans who now mourn their wasted hopes and dreams on the altar of disappointment.

The graphics? Imagine a bleak, colorless void where joy goes to die, and you're halfway there. It’s as if the developers aimed for "dark and gritty" but landed on "unforgivable visual offense." The environments are so drab and lifeless, they make a dentist’s waiting room look like Disneyland in comparison. Characters stagger around with the grace of a glitching robot from the 1980s, ensnaring your senses in a web of aesthetic agony.

The gameplay is an endless, soul-sucking vortex of monotony. It's as engaging as watching paint dry on a wall that’s already dry. You hack, you slash, but it all feels like swinging a feather duster in a hurricane—utterly futile and embarrassingly ineffective. The loot system, a core pillar of excitement, has been transformed into a purveyor of junk, showering players with items so underwhelming, it feels like receiving socks for your birthday—every single time.

The narrative is an unparalleled tragedy, a convoluted mess of cliches so profound, it could only be an elaborate prank on the player. Dialogue so wooden, it's a wonder the characters don't sprout leaves and photosynthesize. Engaging with the story evokes a sensation akin to watching a soap opera through a thick fog of bewilderment and second-hand embarrassment.

Online play is the final nail in the coffin, a thoroughly broken experience that isolates players in a digital limbo plagued by lag, crashes, and a sense of desolation so deep, it could fill the Mariana Trench. Attempting to connect with others feels like screaming into the void, except the void has better customer service.

To encapsulate the essence of Diablo 4 in mere words is to attempt to cage a hurricane with a butterfly net. It is not just a failure; it is a masterclass in disillusionment, a beacon of despair illuminating the skies of the gaming world. This game doesn't just drop the ball; it launches it into a black hole, never to be seen again. Let Diablo 4 serve as a cautionary tale, a legend of how not to craft a game, whispered in hushed tones across the digital realm for generations to come. In the annals of gaming infamy, Diablo 4 is not merely a chapter; it is the entire book.
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This game doesn't even have Paladins, Jesus Fucking Christ


On the 8th day of creation God played D4 and declared it was dogshit.


in nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritus Sancti - i swear that D4 is dogshit


This is god damn amazing. The best one yet.

D4 bad.


this literally converted me to christianity
