Past Feelings. ❰UNDERTALE COMIC❱

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I can't with him...

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Just wanted to add that I LOVED the detail with "hand sounds" when Frisk speaks to Flowey, idk, I think it was pretty neat.

I also missed your voicing with Flowey! It's one of my favorites!


Aww Flowey is right that is a wonderful idea. He would have been a great king


Even as flowey, Asriel would. He can... he just needs to morph his face back to his orginal, and sit on a convincing mannequin.


Mr Beast does an undertale comec dub? wow 🤯


@creepyknees i understand your point.
but i disagree with that opinion:
asgore loved chara

(that scene in the neutral ending, remember?, ¨you have the same feeling of hope in your eyes¨)

think that he didn’t love or remember Chara just because he don’t mention her is something a little vague and imprecise
for example: for example: toriel never mentions asriel, and yet nobody says she hasn’t loved him.
Second: Asgore didnt kill the fallen humans because the death of Asriel, he killed them to free his people, the reason he declared war was to give his people hope.
third: Asgore would never have killed Chara, at least not with this premise, even if killing her would have been the only way to free her people, I doubt that he is capable of such an act.
four: agree… god dads shouldnt hurts kids, their motives are understandable, but not justifiable.
five: agree, it was okay for Flowey to fell sad or mad.
six: ¨ at least one of whom was murdered in retaliation for Asriel’s death¨ no, asgore dont kill them because the death of asriel.
seven: ¨ may have even murdered his own sibling¨ also no, i explain this already.
I’m sorry if I was a bit rude or annoying, it’s just that sometimes I can become too protective of asgore.
I think it’s weird or taken out that flowey is unable to forgive asgore, he did worse things, undyne, mtt and 70% of the game’s monsters also tried to kill frisk and with much less remorse or honor (Asgore gives you time to prepare and offers you weapons and healing)
even sans would have killed you without hesitation if it hadn’t been for his promise.
and yet he forgives them in the blink of an eye…
I understand that he is different because he is his father, but even so, it seems unfair.
I understand those who feel unable to forgive asgore for what he did, no one should forgive others if he really does not feel that he is able to forgive him.
but please, don’t be unfair or impartial, believe that asgore is worse than undyne, mtt, sans, flowey or any of the other monsters that would have wanted to kill you, but in the end they didn’t have the possibility, it’s to be unfair
¨ho yes, they wanted to kill me but in the end they didn’t, that makes them better than someone who also wanted to kill me and got to do it¨
¨but the rest in the end are redeemed¨, asgore too, remeber? ¨we can be a family¨?

¨they wanted to kill us for asgore orders¨
¨i would destroy any human¨ ¨I¨

asgore didn’t want his decision to stain the hands of others
even if it were not the case
30% of the monsters that attack us are for literally anything else
like: snowdrake, jerry, etc.
and finally: flowey, of all the undertale characters, is the less avibable for talk about morality, he has a valid point, but being a time travel genocider doesnt help it.
I personally think that when you are an influence you should be more careful with what you publish, as a result of this I have seen many people begin to believe that asgore did not love chara and use this comic as proof
I am a big fan and admirer of your work and art, I am sorry if i was annoying or rude, I can get too passionate when it comes to defending the goatdad.
Anyway, thanks for existing and sorry for the inconvenience, I just needed to get this off my body and mind.
