Trans Woman Shares POWERFUL Transition Story

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A woman who is undergoing hormone treatments calls in to dispel the myths that transgendered individuals are dominating women's sports and then gives a powerful story of her own transition.

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Waited till 39 to transition I'm a black trans women. Societal hate kept me from transition and lack of visibility and fears of not passing. Now I'm post op I'm super tall/big deep voice I don't pass and I don't care my blood pressure is normal now. Appreciate yall for giving us a voice ❤🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤


I was raised religious and with conservative parents who said I would be dead to them if I transitioned. When I was 22 I moved across the country starting over in a new state and eventually got a letter. After paperwork and reading information I already read over for years before starting. I started on a small dose of estrogen and a t blocker. They move you up over time as they measure your blood levels. But that first dose made me feel excited for living then eventually seeing the progress.

Started in 7/14/2017 and now my life has improved so much, even now six years later I feel happier than I did the first 22 years of my life because I have control over my identity/expression now. And I'm healing from having my childhood/teen years taken from me by parents who only see kids as an extension of their ego. My parents used to cut my hair despite wanting to grow it out but now I haven't had it cut since I moved. Now I live in colorado with my bf in a place where I can walk the trail and pick cool flowers for him. It's peaceful compared to my old life and now different things are falling in place.


so much transphobia in this comment section. thank you Billie for sharing your story. us trans folks will fight until we can live in society unafraid and empowered


I appreciate this caller so much. I've been on estrogen for 4 months and out publicly for 1 at age 32. It was like a switch was flipped in my head. My whole life before had been so much anxiety. And now, outside of my conservative family and the internet, I'm living my best life, if you'll excuse the expression. We need more positive examples like Billie


I'm a trans man, and it definitely goes both ways. Before I started testosterone, I could not do a single push up. After roughly 8 months on testosterone after absolutely 0 strength training, I decided to see if I could do one, and I did 10 in a row with relatively little difficulty.


It's so fantastic to hear people like Billie discovering themselves and living their lives truly. We need to keep making the world a better place so that nobody is demonized and attacked for just existing with differences. Trans rights! Trans thriving! ❤


Have a 50 year old friend that recently transitioned and she is the happiest she’s ever been. How could I not support that?


Sending All my Love and Respect to Billy. My grand nephew is transitioning. I fear for him and the HATE out there. Thankyou, Emma and Sam, and all those at Majority Report for your incredible journalism and powerful empathy


Thank you for making space for this conversation. We all need to hear more Trans/LGBTQIA voices before setting our own ideas in stone


I’m a massage therapist and the times I have had trans women who transitioned later in life, the relief and joy on their face when I treat them like I would ANY OTHER client is beautiful and sad at the same time. But I know going to an LMT is nerve wracking for anyone, let alone some one who is going through so much change in their bodies. I am so happy I got to hear Billy’s story!❤


I'm 61 I've always felt different. Going to school as a pre teen I remember wanting to be like the other girls.
This was obviously something you couldn't discuss with anyone back then. So I felt shame and guilt for a long time. I never had the opportunity to take hormones but I'm happily transitioned now as far as it goes.
Kids should be able to come forward at the age they realise they're different.
It really does cause mental health issues.
This whole anti LGBTQ legislation won't stop anyone from feeling the way they do.
It will drive us underground and cause untold harm.


I am SO glad this clip has come out! There are people I know who are getting dragged down the anti-trans rabbit hole, & I will sit them down & have them listen to this. Thanks Billy & MR! Thanks a lot!


These are the types of down-to-earth calls that those of us on the left who want to be better trans allies need to hear. We don’t know what it’s like to be transgender, so it would benefit us to hear it from someone who is experiencing it. If only many of our allies (looking at you, TYT), would listen.


I feel this so much. My first memory of "Boy doesn't fit me" was when I was around 8. I repressed those feelings for nearly 30 years. I was depressed and apathetic towards life that whole time. When I let myself question if I really am trans, the floodgates opened and there was no way I could go back to hiding in the closet.

For the first time in my life I'm GENUINELY happy! I feel connected to my future for once and I finally feel like a full person. I'm finally ME. I tried living as a man for 36 years, and it was killing me.

I've also taken tons of selfies since coming out! :p I barely have any pictures of me pre-transition. And, yeah... things I'm trying to lift are getting heavier! Sometimes my arms feel like wet noodles when I'm trying to do something I used to be able to do easily :p


Trans man here. Billie spoke to my lived experience in a way that immediately got me emotional. My first knowledge of trans people was Chaz Bono, and it took years for me to realize I was trans because I was always told that trans people just know they're trans from a very young age and exhibit "trans behaviors"... whatever those are. I always felt my more feminine attributes were a performance. I loved Power Rangers and Pokemon and Transformers as a kid, hated baby dolls but was okay with Barbies (my favorite was the shaving Ken doll though.)

One of my core memories was being told that a girl I liked in 1st grade couldn't be my Valentine because she was a girl. My favorite halloween costumes were always Captain Hook or Darth Vader. I always played male characters in tabletop and online games. In retrospect it makes so much sense and I kick myself every time I remember these things for not seeing it sooner.


From a straight white male, this video is awesome. People tend to forget they have a heart.


First, go Thank you for calling in and sharing your experience! These conversations are so important. We have an entire group of people speaking about a process they have no clue about without asking for any input from the trans community. Second, I started identifying as she/they about 4 years ago. I, outwardly, present as female. For me, that wasn't what it was about. I had always never fully felt comfortable in my identity. For a few years prior, I would say things like if I was younger I would identify as she/they until it finally dawned on me that if I am thinking and saying that then this is who I am. I haven't changed anything about myself as far as appearance. I still dress in jeans and tshirts and I still have long hair. But, by recognizing the they part of myself, I felt such an inner peace about a long misunderstood aspect of my gender duality. I think sharing our stories is so important. It is so much harder to deny something once we, as a society, humanize it


I started my transtion about 10 years ago, in my early 20s. But I could only have had the courage to do so because I heard positive stories like the one Billie shared from people, and saw the fact that trans women were not purely relegated to the sex industry like I had been led to believe.

People like Laura Jane Grace (Against Me singer), as well as my university's LGBTQ+ Society really helped me become aware of the possible positive effects of transitioning for those who are trans. The positive effects on mental health are truly difficult to describe.

As Billie said, it is night and day from before (when I was suicidal and incredibky down) to now, thriving.


This is the best thing I've heard in a long time. Now I want to listen to more trans people describe their experiences.


I remember hearing this live and tearing up. Thanks for posting and thanks to the caller for sharing ❤ So glad TMR is around as a fierce advocate and safe space for LGBTQ+ folks
