Story in Gen 5 Pokemon Games is OVERRATED!!

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Something that has been on my chest for years now. What broke the straw and inspired me to make this video was watching the KingNappy's podcasts about the best generation and their mentioning of how "amazing" the story in the gen 5 pokemon games. The games in general are excellent, my biggest issue is the story.

#Pokemon #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite
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2010: B&W is the most hated gen
2020: B&W is the most overrated gen


agreed the plot has a good idea and some interesting ideas and concepts, but bad execution if it was just n i think it'd be better and have ghetsis show up only in gen 2.


I think if the evil team was just N and he had like a cult built around him and his philosophy it make the story a lot less black and white. Pokémon has never really had good stories but I feel that gen 5 has the best premise for one it’s just not executed that best it could be.


team plasma are basically team rocket but if them stealing other people's pokemon was actually relevant to the plot like it is in the anime.sure a few team rocket members say team rocket steals people's pokemon but them stealing pokemon wasent shown onscreen and none of the NPCs said that they had their pokemon stolen from team rocket unlike with team plasma where not only was them stealing pokemon relevant to the plot but random NPCs even mention that they've had their pokemon stolen by team plasma or were convinced to release them or that team plasmas speech about pokemon liberation affected them and their pokemon life and relationship in some significant way.


I’ve been a big critic of Gen five’s story in the past, but now I think I get it. I don’t blame people for misunderstanding it, the fandom missed the point of it, and paints Team Plasma as sympathetic villains. Team Plasma is not supposed to be a team with a good point, or a team to sympathize with, their hypocrisy is obvious. They claim people shouldn’t use Pokémon for fighting while at the same time, they use Pokémon for fighting. Anyone in the team not named N is portrayed as a moron. I think Pokémon Black and White were exposing the stupidity and hypocrisy of groups like PETA (maybe that’s why PETA attacked Pokémon when Gen 5 came out).


Good points. I just care for the game play in BW2


I skipped this one due to it being just boring, I could not sit through pointless dialogue of evil guy taking over the world as a overused plot twist.

The game throwing patrats and lillipups is worse than cave zubats except its all trainer battles and the story was just corny and honestly none of it is what I want. I love dark stories that make you question even after the game or movie is finished however. I could not take any of it seriously and with so many pokemon fans simping for N and how he is magically grown up with pokemon no reprocussions from living in the wild only knowing chanting of that pokemons name as a language it puts me off a lot. Pokemon never had good story but the gameplay is whats fun and if you take that then what do you even have. I would have liked the story if it was thought out more and made sense I have only seen the fanboys bring up the story being amazing nothing else.

If you like the game hey I glad you enjoy it but please the rest of you that can't take a couple of pixels on the screen into your thinking process just let people have an opinion if its upsetting you that much just scroll or ignore it otherwise yea good video.


gen 5 story is only great in concept and average in execution. gen 7 is the game with the best story in concept and execution


The story is perfectly rated imo but the music is kinda overrated

Most overworld themes were forgettable (except Driftveil City, Route 4, Accumula Town and ETC)
The battle themes are nice though but theres Generations with Better Music (Gens 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)

Its a Great game but only a little bit overhyped


Here's the things I want I guess:

1. Anthea and Concordia should have a larger role rather than giving N's backstory and being useless. The same applies to other Team plasma sages except Zinzolin and Rood (maybe).

2. Less Ghetsis plot relevancy and his dumb plans

3. Make protagonist talk instead of being silent. This is a perfect opportunity to have good debate between the mc and N when clashing of philosophies and have realistic rivalry instead of N doing all the talk and mc just choosing yes or no in the dialogue box.

4. Colress should appear in 1st BW games, not just in sequels. His philosophy is great that actually contrasts the original Team Plasma motives.

Bonus: Cheren is the best unova boy!


honestly i still think its the best pokemon story for a mainline game only being on par are the MD games (maybe gen 4 gen 7 and gen 9 aswell they are also great)
but it does have flaws like what the vid says, it has interesting ideas and concept but executed either very poorly or great
Team plasma was mid, N carried it and people honestly missed that team plasma werent as great as it thought to be
N is honestly the best character storywise in the gen 5 games, the sequels have nice side stories and introduced the fight between the original protag of the old game.
I like how the gym leaders are actually apart of a story, its good finally seeing it again and i like how it does the story much differently than other games but the gen 5 story def has flaws i think people overlook, but its still good.


Gen 1 and 2: A team that wants money and power at any cost.
Gen 3: A team with a crazy idea without sense.
Gen 4: A team with a crazy idea without sense.
Gen 5: A team that stands for an idea that sounds legit and questions one of the principles of the franchise.
Gen 6: A team with a crazy idea without sense.
Gen 7: A mother with a crazy idea caused by a family trauma.
Gen 8: A man with a crazy idea without sense.


Gen 5 was great, but it's far from the best gen


This video and these comments. Gen 5 best gen babes just accept it 🥱
