Reduce EMF Radiation Exposure with EMF Blocking Clothing & Accessories - Digital Wellness Hacks

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Wireless EMF radiation frequencies are all around us. They emit from personal electronic devices, wireless Bluetooth accessories, WiFi routers, cell towers, and more.

DefenderShield's EMF Radiation Blocking Cases can help protect from EMF radiation by creating a shielded barrier between you and your device. While direct contact with EMF emissions is the most harmful, even at low frequencies, you are still most likely getting ambient exposure from other devices from people and buildings around you. And with 5G small cell sites popping up closer and closer to homes and offices, our ambient exposure is just getting worse.

That's why DefenderShield has come out with EMF Radiation Blocking Clothing and Accessories. These clothing items all are lined with silver fiber shielding fabric, that is capable of blocking up to 99% of wireless EMF like cellular service, Bluetooth, and WiFi signals from your head, torso, and reproductive organs.


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First of, imagine dressing like that in miami heat, also imagine thinking this is protecting against anything, then also imagine that EMF is actually harmful rather then the truth that it isn’t.

Now imagine not knowing science and proudly posting this in an electronic forum.
