'Make me to know, O Lord, mine end' D.Bortiansky Resurrection Choir

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"Make me to know, O Lord, mine end" D.Bortiansky
Sacred Concerto No. 32 "O Lord, make me to know mine end"
Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
Concert in Scotland
Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
Conductor: Jurii Maruk
This Russian a cappella ensemble of eight singers (2 sopranos, 2 altos, countertenor, tenor, bass and basso profondo) with their conductor, Jurij Maruk, gave us a fabulous concert on Tuesday evening. They came back by popular request as they were outstanding last year, but this year they were even better.
Their programme is extremely well chosen and includes several solos allowing each singer to demonstrate the range of their beautiful voices enhanced by St Peter’s wonderful acoustic. The Concert was much enjoyed by the large audience who gave the ensemble a standing ovation.
Make me to know O Lord mine end
1 Бас-профундо - Русский Вокальный Феномен
2 Свиридов "Любовь святая" - ансамбль "Воскресение"
3 Вокальный ансамбль "Воскресение" - Русская Духовная Музыка
4 Духовная музыка Рахманинова
5 Внуши,Боже,молитву мою - А.Архангельский Ансамбль Воскресение
6 Liechtenstein - Konzert Vokalensemble 'Voskresenije'
7 Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg at Northampton Cathedral
8 Música sacra para coro - Canción de Querubín
9 Sacred Russian Choral Music - Russian Orthodox Chant
choir# vocalist #opera #music #новинка #музыка #интересно #опера #soprano
Sacred Concerto No. 32 "O Lord, make me to know mine end"
Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
Concert in Scotland
Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
Conductor: Jurii Maruk
This Russian a cappella ensemble of eight singers (2 sopranos, 2 altos, countertenor, tenor, bass and basso profondo) with their conductor, Jurij Maruk, gave us a fabulous concert on Tuesday evening. They came back by popular request as they were outstanding last year, but this year they were even better.
Their programme is extremely well chosen and includes several solos allowing each singer to demonstrate the range of their beautiful voices enhanced by St Peter’s wonderful acoustic. The Concert was much enjoyed by the large audience who gave the ensemble a standing ovation.
Make me to know O Lord mine end
1 Бас-профундо - Русский Вокальный Феномен
2 Свиридов "Любовь святая" - ансамбль "Воскресение"
3 Вокальный ансамбль "Воскресение" - Русская Духовная Музыка
4 Духовная музыка Рахманинова
5 Внуши,Боже,молитву мою - А.Архангельский Ансамбль Воскресение
6 Liechtenstein - Konzert Vokalensemble 'Voskresenije'
7 Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg at Northampton Cathedral
8 Música sacra para coro - Canción de Querubín
9 Sacred Russian Choral Music - Russian Orthodox Chant
choir# vocalist #opera #music #новинка #музыка #интересно #опера #soprano