'Save me, O God.' | Psalm 69

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I am commenting so that anyone who likes this will remind me to come back and listen to this again


I was diagnosed with acute leukemia last year and just got discharged from my 21 day stay for my bone marrow transplant. It has been some of the darkest days of my life. But I find joy in the promise of the protection of our God. Before cancer, I was married to a man (I was gay), but the Lord in His grace drew me to Himself and I found the strength to leave the person I loved and leave that lifestyle. Praise be to God, Jesus!


I don't want to mess up anymore Lord...


I am fighting urges from childhood trauma, if anyone reads this, please pray for me but most importantly God I pray to you and ask of you in Jesus Name please protect and guide me. 6/7/24


I read this Psalm in the woods, when I was alone, and I wept, I was wet, cold, split from my group on a hike, in the darkness of the night, with no charge on my phone, just sitting and waiting, fasting was my reproach, and prayer kept me warm in the coldness. I didn’t fall to the temptation of despair or anger. I knew everything was going to be ok through the Lord. The waters were up to my neck, and he starved me and humbled me, but at my lowest point, he lifted me up and fed me.


I going to comment this so that anyone who likes this will remind me to watch this again


I am fighting temptation of lust I just ask that anybody that sees this prays for me because lust is a terrifying and deadly sin that will drag me down to hell with it if I don’t have faith and trust in God.


I'm 108 days sober because I cried to God for 5 years and he moved mountains for me. I died for 4 minutes and was in a coma for 3 weeks. He rescued me. He changed my entire life. He showed me what was real. I'm still having other problems outside of that but I believe he'll make it right. There must be something to learn from it or he'd have already delivered me


Forgive me I have went down a dark road, I lost my 2 childhood friends to violence. I need guidance I feel lost, I want to be here for my son. Forgive me I have strayed away from you


Let me tell you. May 11th was by the far the hardest day of my life. I lost my first love of my life. The woman who birthed me into this world, I wouldn’t have thought I’d lose my mom at 21 years of age. Such a pure hearted woman and God needed her up there in His kingdom. I didn’t complain, I cried yes because I’m human but I prayed and thanked the Lord for the time her lended me my special person. It’s His plans over mine losing my mom to a heart attack was so painful to see and just a traumatizing experience if you have your parents, please make them proud. Don’t argue with them regardless how they are, honor your parents to the best of your abilities I lost mine but I know she’s in a much better place. God bless you all and let’s all stay with the Lord. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!


I haven’t had employment in what seems like forever. Not for lack of trying. Bad things keep happening and I feel at my lowest. Please pray for me that I’ll get employment soon, God bless you, family.


When psalms are read in such a gentle manner they gain new meaning and become not mere words, but something more. You can feel somebody's pain and sorrow through them. Thanks a lot🙏


Christ is my only hope. The only one I know I can count on no matter what. He will never fail me. He is faithful and true.


Depression and anxiety sucking me up, not able to work Lord Jesus have mercy on me deliver me oh Lord ✝️


My heart wants to live worldly but my heart also yearns to submit myself fully to the lord and isolate myself from sin and to only live for lord


This is how I feel how he’s talking. I have a eating disorder Metobolic eating disorder. I’m scared to eat. I have anxiety what I eat and dealing with loneliness and grief. I lost my friends and I’m dealing with sickness Metobolic, eating disorder and anxiety towards food and I’m getting close to homelessness, I can just just eat any food❤😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Isaiah: 54:7 "Nothing can defeat you because God is with you"


Please pray for me
Protection in Christ Jesus against attacks from darkness (spirits) and cleansing of the body and mind. 🙏✝️😊


Heal my family God My Daughter and wife.take away all the sickness Amen


Pray for my mother. Alison mary.
She has had her leg cut off and now she has had an operation on her arm after breaking it 10 weeks ago and having it wrongly set. She is 5 stone in weight, but she has the strongest spirit ive ever known.
She is 3 hours drive away from me. I feel powerless. 🇬🇧
