Man Reveals What Happens AFTER You Pass Away

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Man Reveals What Happens AFTER You Pass Away

A man reveals his vision of the afterlife after his heart stopped. Here is his told his story.





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iVe got Dream Rapture 5 Times
i see Jesus in my dreams And i feel sorry for my self

Like if you Love Jesus❤God


I believe in heaven a hope seeing god when I die


All I know is I am a follower of Jesus Christ and when I die I am going to Heaven. Nobody knows what Heaven is like, but it will be glorious being with God!


I believe in heaven and there is peace there. That my relatives are not just gone but watch over me and protect me. It is a comforting for me.


I had a near death experience I remember going asleep in my Room and the next thing I know is I'm headed toward a bright beautiful light I remember saying to myself in my head I can't be dead but I knew I was no longer on Earth that's when I turned back whoever was listening to me in the tunnel I shouted I'm not ready to die I felt like I had unfinished business that I Left Behind.. I woke up it felt so real to me I remember telling my boyfriend at the time for some odd reason I said I need to see a doctor ASAP.. He told me I was crazy I told him no I need to see one now I go to the doctors and come to find out I had a blood clot if I would have never had that experienced or felt like I needed to see a doctor I would have been dead and not only that now I know why I had unfinished business.. My brother my only brother passed away at the age of 35...


The greatest pleasure is being with GOD and Jesus Christ


Dear friend, don't be afraid to go wherever our Lord Jesus Christ leads you. In August 1996, when I was preparing to attend a university a couple of hours from home, I realized I probably wouldn’t move back home after graduation. My mind raced. How can I leave home? My family? My church? What if God later calls me to another state or country?

Like Moses, when God told him to go “to Pharaoh to bring [His] people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3 : 10), I was afraid. I didn’t want to leave my comfort zone. Yes, Moses obeyed and followed God, but not before questioning Him and requesting that someone else go instead (vv. 11–13; 4 : 13).

In Moses’s example, we can see what we shouldn’t do when we sense a clear calling. We can instead strive to be more like the disciples. When Jesus called them, they left everything and followed Him (Matthew 4 : 20–22; Luke 5 : 28). Fear is natural, but we can trust God’s plan.

Being so far from home was difficult. But as I continually sought God, He opens doors for me that confirmed I am where I’m supposed to be.

When we are led out of our comfort zone, we can either go reluctantly, like Moses, or willingly like the disciples—who followed Jesus wherever He led them. Sometimes this means leaving our comfortable life hundreds or even thousands of miles behind us. But no matter how difficult it may be, following Jesus is worth it.

Dear precious one, you were led to this video to read this post for a reason, for a purpose. Begin your fearless, courageous and loving walk with the Lord by understanding that you are a sinner in need of our Savior. Welcome Jesus Christ into your life. Receive grace by believing in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross, His death, burial and resurrection. You will then be justified in salvation and blessed abundantly with love. Your life will be forever changed!

May God bless you in the Glorious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior.❤️❤️❤️


I always wondered who created this universe I can't wait to see my Creator when I die


The first thing u see when you die is your own dead body, trust me. I’ve died for 15 minutes


If this is real, I’m happy,

EDIT: If I go to heaven my beliefs are true!


Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit (the breath of life) will return to God who gave it. GENESIS 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


I'm an atheist but I don't care what you believe in we are all humans and as long as your not a psychopath your cool in my book😊


when my grandmother passed away during her funeral I couldn't stop bawling and then this bright light shone on me, I couldn't believe the love I felt it is nothing like it on earth .and where that light was coming from I seen my grandma and grandpa floating above the alter they looked at peace .my grandma was watching us but my grandfather was looking on straight forward.i looked around and nobody else seen it and the light was only on me .I can tell you if that didn't happen to me that day I don't wanna think where I would have ended up .God bless everyone 🕆


These vids are very interesting
I believe in after life .


My family was very religious growing up, until I entered university. Taking courses such as: Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Developmental Psychology and listening to lectures by Astrophysics, I lost my faith but still remained spiritual. Somehow believing that there was a higher being that is beyond human comprehension. After the age of 15, entering high school I only attended church on holidays (2-3 times a year). When I was about 33-34 I was taking Celebrex for pain due to a motor vehicle accident. Celebrex, being an anti inflammatory is like taking Ibuprofen on steroids. It can easily cause internal bleeding and any physician should always check for this by doing simple blood work (a plasma count). Well, I was bleeding internally and lost so much blood that I lost consciousness. I was rushed into the ER, both of my Femoral Arteries were ripped out and the doctors had two bags of blood going at once. They gave me a transfusion of nine units of blood. Almost a total body blood transfusion. I had complete organ failure and there was just enough blood in my body to keep my brain, heart and lungs going. The Physician in the ER told my immediate family if there was anyone else that was of friendship or relation, to get them here immediately as this could go either way. I was kept in a medically induced coma for about four days. Like I said I haven’t been religious or even gone to church in almost two decades. The first night of the medically induced coma, I saw a light in the upper left field of my view. I couldn’t see a figure but heard a voice. I couldn’t tell if it was a male or female voice, but it was a very soft spoken voice, in which I heard the words: “Not Yet, Not Yet”. I immediately opened my eyes the first night of this coma about 4 AM. A triage nurse came over, introduced herself and assured me that I was in a safe place. She administered more of a sedative, sending me back into the medically induced coma state. I didn’t share my experience with anyone for many months. Till this day the only person that I did tell was my mother. People talk about religious experiences and seeing a higher power (God), but not me. Just a light and a reassuring soft voice. It hasn’t changed my outlook on life. I still believe that there is a higher being that is beyond human comprehension and that our soul is part of a much of a larger process. Our soul or mind does return to a source (God) in which we are judged and the entire process begins all over again. Maybe not on this planet or even this galaxy. However, it is part of a much larger process that is just beyond our comprehension. I believe that we should live life, being the best possible person that we can be and there is an eternal afterlife in which we all experience. “To Learn To Die Is To Be Liberated From It”. (Bruce Lee). I made a full recovery and learned not to fear death and when it does come, that it is just part of life and that our soul carries on. Just thought that I would share my experience on this subject relating to this post.


I know someone who was in a car crash and died for three minutes in hospital. He was brought back to life and he couldn't remember the day of the crash but could remember the day before like normal. He said that it was like waking up from a really deep sleep when he was resurrected.


I called it a day due to anaphylactic shock back in 1991 in the emergency room. I remember looking down on the entire group of people surrounding me from it seemed to be ceiling level. My vision was amazing and it was peaceful. Zero stress. I was in a very light fog. Then, I came to like a light switch was flipped and I was back on the table. They gave me adrenaline shots and I am guessing that shocked me back into my earthly state. It was quite an experience to say the least.


Life facts 101:
You can’t make everyone happy but you can piss off everyone and it’s fun as hell


God is real ✝️ we all need to pray🙏 so we all can go to heaven!


I like to believe our spirits just flow around spectating and cheering on our future family and who knows maybe there is a place like heaven we won’t know until we kick the bucket
