11 Questions To Ask Your Doctor When They Suggest Knee Surgery

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Asking questions once your doctor suggests surgery is important and not disrespectful to them.

People are often afraid to ask too many questions of a surgeon because they feel like it's inappropriate and they may take it as questioning their authority.

But when considering that the decision to have knee surgery is a permanent one that has lifelong consequences...it may be a good idea to take your time in getting all the information you need to make the best decision about your health.

The decision to get knee surgery is very rarely an emergency situation that requires a quick answer.

So take your time in finding the best surgeon that you're comfortable with.

In case you're looking to avoid knee surgery, here are some videos we have on YouTube that may help:

“Knee Arthritis Pain Help”

"Knee Meniscus Help"

"Knee Cartilage Help"

“Knee Pain ACL Injury Help”

You may also want to learn more about our online programs here:
“Knee Arthritis Recovery Program”

"Knee Meniscus Recovery Program"

"28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program"

#elpasomanualphysicaltherapy #drdavidmiddaugh

00:00 11 Question To Ask Your Doctor
01:24 Question 1
01:57 Question 2
02:39 Question 3
03:24 Question 4
04:49 Question 5
05:38 Question 6
06:12 Question 7
07:49 Question 8
08:35 Question 9
09:33 Question 10
10:41 Question 11


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👟 Because we've had so many comments about what shoes Dr. David is wearing, here's a link to the shoes on Amazon:
Dr. David's Shoes With Insoles - Olukai Brand

💆‍♀️The massage table Dr. David uses can be found at this link:




Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

Great advice, I’ve had two tears of my meniscus, one a root tear. I had an arthroscope on the root tear, the surgeon said at the follow up visit, you need one full knee replacement on the right knee, and half replacement on the left knee. 😮 I went to another orthopaedic surgeon twelve months later, he examined me and did new X-rays and said no, no surgery needed, walking and cycling on a stationary bike was the way to go. That was 7 years ago. I have to watch the right knee as I do have a little arthritis no squats, as they hurt, but best of all no surgery, I’m now 77 years old.


Your videos have helped me SO MUCH!!! Thank you... may God be with you and bless you and your family. ♥


My surgeon told me that we would look at the scenarios together in Spring. So your advice is very useful to know what to ask. Thank you.


So helpful. Thank you for all the data you provide!


Great questions to ask. I suspect most surgeons have never been asked most of them. I also anticipate most surgeons would be very offended. Hoping I meet that one exceptional surgeon that won't be offended and can answer that he is confident he is the best for my situation.


I have allergies to everything, very annoying. Talk to a surgeon about a total knee replacement. Ask about being tested for potential allergic reaction to the metal, cement/ adhesive. He told me that internal is different from external allergies. I agreed as i have internal & external allergies. He told me there was no such thing as an allergic reaction to knee replacement parts. My response was, i agree its less common, but does exist, and given my allergic history, and am informing you my allergies i would think we both would want to enter into this with our eyes wide open.
He leaned in toward me & said, well if thats your mind set, then I'm not your surgeon. Now this dr is #1 in our area. Personally i think he's #1, cause he's cherry picking patients.
I said, well thank you for your its been most informative. The dr left. assistant in the room, started setting up times, and pre op appointments. I told, didn't you haer him say he wasn't my surgeon, ? She said yes, but you need surgery. Maybe, but when a surgeon tells you he's not your surgeon, you believe him. We will never meet again. She was a bit surprised. I never returned to that practice & won't. Never had the replacement either.


Such great advice! We definitely need to advocate for our health! Not sure how open minded the surgeons will be. I've put off knee replacement surgery despite my bone-on-bone knees xray. Regular exercises has been the key to my very minimum pain level. I say keep those bones healthy with exercise! Thank you Dr David!!


Thank you for the information. I greatly appreciate it. I currently have a torn meniscus & I'm getting knee injections & I'm dreading for that day to come when I'm told the shots are my last attempt. But I'd like to know information that could possibly help me in that area.


Would you recommend an arthroscopy for meniscus tear?


ALSO as a nurse i have seen MANY knee revisions after total knee replacement from infection etc its better to wait
Try the UNLOADER knee brace it works !! This guy has a video on it


Hi - i have bine on bone on my shoulder and it has been suggested to go for a shoulder replacement i really dont want to but they have given me a review in April is thwre any excercises i can do? Thank you


One of the best narratives on pre surgery questions. The doctor that you are hiring is no different than hiring any expert. Be they a plumber, an accountant, or whoever. You are considering a very challenging task. This the time to put together a team of proven experts who are experts in their field. Make no mistake about it…you are also a member of that team. I grew up in a family whose policy is and we firmly believed “anything worth doing is worth hiring experts to do it”. This is a team effort that you can’t just erase if you chose the wrong team.


Hello Dr David. I have bought your online knee arthritis recovery PT program 2 months ago, and am slowly going through the exercises suggested there. Thanks for all the info and motivation you provide there - the program is really excellent! I do have a question regarding the program - to complement the PT, you mention chemical and mechanical means, including massage gun, etc. But I wondered why you do not mention about PEMF therapy? Do you think it is not useful? What is your opinion about PEMF for knee arthritis cases?


I don't understand your comments about placebo meniscus surgery. What patient in his right mind would agree to that advance? To have your knee cut open for a test study? I don't get it


Hi, I watched yourvideo before when I first injured my knee, but I have a question if you don'tmind answering? I finally after almost 5months of PT just got an MRI. The surgeon I talked to said that I have a buckethandle tear and that it will never heal no matter what exercise I do. He said I don't need surgery now because it doesn't hurt but said to come back if it does. I got the feeling that he expects I'll be back in the future. Is there any possibility my knee will heal on it's own? Does that mean my only and best option is to get surgery? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this


I am 24 years old and I have small oblique tear in my meniscus. I don’t know if I should get surgery or not. Can I recover fully from this injury? And can I ever run again?


I have bone on bone on my knee two doctors recommended knee replacement is there anything else out there for me or get the knee replacement TY


Hi doc, my father aged 69 India, is diagnosed with "Radial tear of posterior root and horn of medial meniscus with oedema / mucoid degeneration of rest of the posterior horn and body of medial meniscus with partial extrusion beyond articular margins.

Mucoid degeneration of anterior cruciate ligament.

Chondral thinning and denudation along medial femorotibial condyles and medial patellar facet with subchondral marrow oedema.

Mild joint effusion."

Could you please suggest. He is been suggested by doc for surgery.


I ama 68 year old female. I broke my kneecap in 5 places from a fall and had surgery where they put a plate and 9 screws and a cerclage to put it back together. After 4 months the surgeon says it is totally healed . I walk every day but at night my knee joint throbs. I had 6 weeks of pt and have good rom but the pain is unbearable at night and I have trouble sleeping. Any advice would be appreciated.


Hi dr, my mri report shows grade 3 complex posterior horn miniscus tear, only the starting 2 days were the painfull one and from the 3rd day i can fully bend and starraigten the leg with a slight discomfort but no pain, dr suggests me to go through a surgery... What should i do in your opinion? I play football and want to continue that .
