Docker installation on Windows 11, Docker Desktop Installation with WSL 2 backend on Windows

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Prerequisites of docker for windows 11
Before you install the Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend, you must complete the following steps:

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Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend on Windows

1) Install Windows 10, version 1903 or higher or Windows 11.
2)Installation of WSL2 and Enable WSL 2 feature on Windows

Git Hub Information on WSL2 Update

Docker Desktop Download URL

Commands to Check Version of Docker and WSL
docker --version
wsl -l -v

How to install Docker Desktop on Windows 11
Docker installation on Windows 11
Installation of Docker Desktop in Windows 11 Operating System
WSL 2 installation is incomplete

Download Docker Desktop Stable or a later release.

Resource link:-

After installation of docker in windows 11 follow below steps:-

From the Docker menu, select Settings - General.
Select the Use WSL 2 based engine check box.

If you have installed Docker Desktop on a system that supports WSL 2, this option will be enabled by default.

Click Apply & Restart.
Ensure the distribution runs in WSL 2 mode. WSL can run distributions in both v1 or v2 mode.

To check the WSL mode, run:

To upgrade your existing Linux distro to v2, run:

To set v2 as the default version for future installations, run:

When Docker Desktop restarts, go to Settings - Resources - WSL Integration.

The Docker-WSL integration will be enabled on your default WSL distribution. To change your default WSL distro, run wsl --set-default distro name.

For example, to set Ubuntu as your default WSL distro, run wsl --set-default ubuntu.

Optionally, select any additional distributions you would like to enable the Docker-WSL integration on.
Click Apply & Restart.

Testing our docker installation in windows 11 by running following commands:-

docker run -dp 80:80 docker/getting-started
docker run hello-world
docker run -it ubuntu bash
lsb_release -a //check docker ubuntu version
apt update //update package in docker ubuntu instance
apt install lsb-release //to install lsb-release in docker ubuntu instance
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Thank you, I was looking for proper installation for docker for Windows 11 home and this helped


hello bro i followed same process but i am facing same problem docker is not open
