What to Do When You Get Stuck Decluttering

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The journey to clutterfree can be difficult at times. But it is always worth the effort.

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You can read more strategies in my book, The Minimalist Home.

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i agree with tip #5 but the other way around. I sometimes watch documentaries of people who are hoarders. Then, I get right back up and starts de-cluttering, again, :)


Personally decluttering and organizing are my favourite thing to so energizing


At the age of 55 I want to be able to fit everything I own into a small van. (I do not plan to live in a van, I just want to be mobile.) The last time I could do this, I was 27 years old. The big downsizing is on the calendar, and I am hiring temporary help, to keep the momentum. I am calling this a "living estate sale".


I’ve never felt better since I’ve started decluttering.. my house looks cleaner and I have sooo much more time., I still have a ways to go but I feel like I’m getting my life under control and it feels so good! I’ve been wanting to live a low waste/low footprint lifestyle for years now and now that I’m starting I’m actually experiencing the benefits and loving it!.. own what you need and what you love.. that’s it!


My favorite motivator is imagining someone, usually a super neat friend, is going to be dropping in uninvited. What would they see? Boy does that make me want to clean up and declutter..fast!


For me the best thing to do to motivate me to declutter my house is to watch an episode of Hoarders!!! I feel the urgency to pause the show and look for something to throw away LOL


It's rare to hear the suggestion to ASK for help. Have helped elderly and disabled friends who ASKED for help thru tears, because they hated the state of their home environment but were afraid to speak up and ask for help.


Goal #1 be ahead financially & debt free
Goal #2 spend time doing hobbies, activities with family/friends & rest
Goal #3 simplicity and being stress free


Had no choice. I had to declutter. Going from 8 rooms to 3 was a rude awakening. With over 350 boxes packed in the attic, it seemed daunting, but someone told me to get up 10 minutes early and put the Lone Ranger theme on(or whatever you desire) and the theme lasts about 9 1/2 minutes. You would be amazed at how much decluttering you can do and because of the fast pace, it wakes you up too. I will continue this and it does feel so much better when all is said and done. Thank you for your videos.


Thank you, Josh! Appreciate the way you declutter your speech. It is easy to listen to you. I actually listen to a couple of people, but I know if I am feeling stressed, it is a good day to listen to you.


When I get stuck decluttering, I watch your videos because they help me to continue :)


You have best videos on minimalism and declutering.


My reason to de clutter: Someday (when I'm gone) I don't want my daughter/husband to sort through the many extra things I have in the house. Even though things are stored well and the place shows just a bit of clutter... I have many storage spaces that are full. Time to act and not read/watch about how wonderful it will be. I will tackle at least a drawer or storage area each day.. and before I know it we will feel the open space and feel free.


Just found already decluttered/organized my “catch all” kitchen junk drawer and put 5 of my least fav coffee cups in the donation box!!!
My bedroom closet TOMORROW!!


I’m also decluttering emotionally meaning leaving behind my baggages picked up along the way through the years and also talk when I know it’s going to be heard otherwise silence is peaceful!


I've asked my brother to help as he is such a kind and lovely person. He is also strong and I'm not so between us we can shift a lot of stuff. I like the idea of being able to manage my home more easily in spite of health issues that are not going to go away. Blessings from Ireland.


I spent a weekend at my mother's and we decluttered a section of her basement. It felt so good to be able to walk through that area again. Also did it with a bedroom in her place. It was a great bonding time.


I decluttered for three weeks every day. I want to be able to clean what I have. I want to come home and it be a very peaceful place to live. My friends can not believe how much stuff I had. It was awesome the amount stuff I donated and trashed. I did the decluttering myself but I had a lot of help hauling the stuff away. I am becoming a minimalist. I keep going threw stuff to get rid of more.


I love keeping a tally of how many baskets of stuff I have given away(18small laundry baskets full in 6mo!), also imagining that we need to move (have moved 10times in 10years!) and I now only move what we use, the rest - Gone!


I had been feeling stuck recently, I've been finding less and less things to declutter, it just occurred to me the other day they maybe it's time to switch to maintainance mode. Hard to believe that a little over a year ago it started with six bags and boxes. And after that a couple bags or boxes every few weeks until just recently, now it takes a month or two to get a box full enough to be worth a trip to the thrift store to drop it off. Even though I may be done with the massive decluttering I'm always assessing and if I find that something is no longer adding value to my life I minimize it.
